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Everything posted by katiestan1

  1. I always bring magnets. They seem to work on many walls.
  2. I can help you with that. Please email me at jenjens1atcomcast.net! Thanks Jen
  3. Patty, If you haven’t done this already, I can help you with a referral where you would receive $250 on-board credit to use on your first cruise. email me at Jenjens1atcomcast.net. Thanks, Jen
  4. Hi Soraya, I can help with your referral. Please contact me at: jenjens1at comcast.net Thanks, Jen
  5. Hi Soraya, Just checking to see that you are set to receive your $ 250 onboard credit for your first cruise in August. The referral would apply to your first cruise that you sail on. If you still need the referral, I would be pleased to help. Email me at jenjens1atcomcast.net. Thanks Jen
  6. Amazing video! Thanks very much for doing this! Jen
  7. The cruise deposit will automatically be sent back to you if you haven’t used it within 4 years. You may also call and get it back at any time.
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