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Posts posted by Pearl&Pirate

  1. We are interested in one of the 3 cruises around the Azores on the National Geographic Endurance next April. I find the prices quite high, and was surprised. to see that suite prices are higher for the three 2025 Azores cruises than they were for the one and only 2024 Azores cruise.  What expereince does anyone out there have with LIndblad‘s pricing strategies? Can we expect prices to go down if the cabins are not sold? If so, then when?

    The suites on the 2024 cruise were not sold out until close to the sailing date, but the prices went up during the last 90 days instead of down.

    Of the 7 suites on the Endurance, the same three became unavailable on all three dates about a year out. Is this just coincidence or an artificial tightening of supply?

  2. If I enter "book.princess.com", I get "OneSource Travel Advisor Center" (https://book.princess.com/BookingSystem/login.page), which doesn't recognize my princess.com login.

    If I enter "princess.com" in my browser's address field, I get the expected Princess website (https://www.princess.com/), where I can log in.

    Once I am logged in to the princess website. many internal links direct me to pages under "book.princess.com" (e.g. https://book.princess.com/captaincircle/myPrincess.page)

    What is the "OneSource Travel Advisor Center"?

    What dies it have to do with Princess?

    How can it have pages in the princess.com domain?

    Why does it (apparently) have separate registration and login?


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