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Everything posted by Zombatar

  1. We are booked on Azura in Feb 25 and we have cabin D509 which looks okay to me, we are looking forward to it.
  2. We are thinking of going on Arvia in summer 25. We have sailed on many of the older P&O ships but never the brand new ones. I believe that some balcony cabins are to be avoided as other passengers walk past the end of your balcony. Can anybody confirm if this is correct and if so which cabins should be avoided.
  3. Just thought i would ask if anybody has recent knowledge of Arcadia. She was the first ship that I went on , back in 2007. Back then as a nearly 60 year old I was one of the younger passengers. Jenny and I have avoided cruising since Covid but feel the time is right to get back into it. There is a nice Greek Islands cruise in 2025 on Arcadia so I thought I would ask on here to get any feedback, good or bad, about Arcadia now. Peter
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