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Everything posted by sogne

  1. 2pm was when no ticket required 4 tender,my OH went ashore about 1100 with ticket. I was on a tour. Journey back 1400 was fine, not a bad ride 4 me but then I have known far worse in my professional life.
  2. I suspect anyone with a defect under warranty would enforce the warranty terms, don't you.
  3. Clearly surveyors etc from builders were on board in Trieste 6 or so all with builder logo jackets etc as I said earlier so answer to your question seems to be yes
  4. The best review will occur when you cruise on this or any other ship and come to your own conclusions, positive or otherwise.
  5. Warranty issue possibly with required inspection by surveyors as happened in Trieste. 2 swimmers at 1100 today. Me & 1 other at 0900.
  6. As an aside theoutdoor pool had water upto the top, higher than previously on this cruise.
  7. 1 find problem 2identify problem 3 warranty 4 inspection by builders 5 agree solution 6 order parts etc
  8. The was in use10 m ago when I walked through the pavilion. 3 swimmers.
  9. It would seem that is what they are doing . It is also warranty i suspect.
  10. Quite! This a minor problem in the scale of seriousness.
  11. A group of yard surveyors/engineers? were onboard while the ship was in Trieste. They seemed to spend time around both pools.
  12. If that is solution for permanent fix unfortunately yes.
  13. Pool has been open entire cruise since 22/9. It is not a problem that requires taking ship out of service if that is what u mean. .
  14. Currently on board 2 patches of rust size of a 5p on balcony.
  15. Confirmed saw lights of plymouth early morning & Plymouth lifeboat.
  16. We were told something similar when on board close to release of new cruises In fact they came out while still on board a few days after the end of a promotion for existing cruises. A similar promotion ends on 16th Sept.
  17. Have u got QA voyages post South America?
  18. On our 2022 QM2 12n fiords with calls to Hamburg both ways the sea day ex Hamburg to Southampton was Gala for those going onto NY but optional for those disembarking in Southampton.
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