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Everything posted by sogne

  1. seems we need a big clue: an incident involving 2 RN destroyers occurred in this area in 1947 (I think)
  2. Looking at a closed coast at least until recently.
  3. sogne


    when I first saw the 2024 schedules early Sept prices were there then
  4. With open dining do you know if you phone each day for a preferred time or do you just turn up?
  5. For our Ñov 1st NL on Mary VP is now showing early late and open dining.
  6. have we had this ? Now official sail by
  7. time to depart from which port (which we have seen before)
  8. another keel laying video
  9. sogne


    from what I have seen QV is doing Med fly cruises in summer with QA being shown off in Europe in Southampton round trips QM2 much as usual
  10. QM2 will not be visiting Flam on Saturday 18th because of environmental issues. Instead will be in Stavanger. Other ports not affected.
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