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Posts posted by kekilia

  1. Have to say that I am not a gambler. In fact, I lived near Reno and only went to a casino twice in 30 years. Never went to Las Vegas. But, on cruise ships I enjoy sitting at a table with a drink and schmoozing while dropping $100 on a $5 blackjack table. I find it just doesn't work if there's only a few people in the casino. It's got to have a party atmosphere, with music and talk and traffic. Hoping the Med cruise will bring out a good crowd!

  2. We are on the Western Med Riviera cruise embarking in Lisbon in July. Okay, so I found a great wine and spirit shop just a few blocks from our hotel in Lisbon (Gotta love Google!) and I'm planning on getting some hard liquor and wine to carry onboard. However, I am not familiar with the local wines and I would love some input on some very good reds and whites from Portugal and Spain. This will take me all the way to France where I will be able to restock :D with French wines that will take me to Italy, where, yes, wait for it, I will switch to Italian reds! All input will be much appreciated. Price point is not an issue, I am out to experience the various regions' best. Thank you for sharing:cool::D!

  3. therapy dogs are not assistance dogs, fake or genuine. Therapy dogs are tested, certified by Therapy Dogs, Inc. (and at least one other organization). TDI requires proof of immunizations, negative fecals, and parasite preventives. Membership provides insurance. Therapy dogs visit nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, and schools, all of which are allowed to insist on proof of compliance.


    If you see "therapy" on a vest, all bets are off. That certification does not get dogs into restaurants or passage on ships and planes.


    Yes, there are certified therapy dogs. However, this is a newer trend after studies showed the therapeutic value of long term patients visited by a friendly animal. Originally, these were as I stated, a sort of social service dog to a wheelchair bound (or other debilitated disability) person. This is what has led to the current situation. Hospitals and other institutions are quite capable of keeping out interlopers. It is the public realm that has a problem due to lack of information and the willingness to put up with fakers. Make sensible laws and train people to enforce r e them without prejudice.

  4. I think the "consider yourself warned" remark by the prev poster was a little tongue in cheek sarcasm toward all the fakers out there. Her DH obviously has a legitimate need and a qualified service dog. Now as for the baby carriage dog being fed from the buffet.....surely a supervisor should've been notified about THAT one! [emoji35]


    No one hates the misused and totally faking "therapy" dogs more than my disabled husband and I. As can be seen on this thread, it has created a backlash against legitimate service dogs. A couple of facts.


    Therapy dogs were originally designated as such to provide social assistance for wheelchair bound who needed people to stop staring at them and to start interacting. They couldn't claim service dog because the dog did not perform a specific physical task or an alert function. Unfortunately, now it is being used by you typical old lady with a fru fru dog and other flaky types to carry around their pets. This can be brought to a halt if DOCTORS stop giving in and writing "mental health" letters for them. For fakers who don't even get the letters, all supervisory staff should train employees to ask for these letters. Costco has gotten assertive about insisting that all service and therapy animals be on the floor with a harness or no admittance.


    Also, push for laws that will curb this blatant fakery. It can be done as here in Hawaii where people fake service dogs to get their pets into condos, beaches, etc. it is so rampant that when people meet my husbands service dog, they casually say, "oh, I need to get my dog certified!" Really? You said that to a disabled person!


    As for my apology to allergy sufferers, I meant to say an apology. Not to be mean, but to say I understand. I have severe tinnitus and being around a high piercing noise (wild children screeching, those horrible garden blowers) make my life miserable for quite a while. However, I must acknowledge that it is a big, crowded world out there with all of these things and if I choose to go out into it, I'm going to have to put up with it.

  5. Okay, so I booked a scooter rental for Ibiza, and the fine print says I have to get either an International license or an "official Spanish translation" of my drivers license. But there are no instructions and no information as to how to get one. Do I need to do this before I cruise? I don't think my local DMV issues those. Anyone who's rented car or scooter have information on this?

  6. An emotional support animal is NOT the same as a service animal. People that abuse the system are not being fair to the legit people in need.



    My husband is disabled with a serious mobility issue (1 fused ankle, 1 replaced ankle and a hip. One leg is shorter than the other, so he has to throw a leg out and around in order to walk). His service dog is trained to support his balance during his walk and to help him keep his gait. Yes, he could sit in a wheelchair, but he isn't paralyzed and walking is healthier for him. The service dog is so quiet that people forget she is there. She is docile and calm, and has even been stripped of all leashes and halter to go through security (not supposed to do that, TSA!) without moving until she was commanded to go through the metal detector.


    This is a sign of a service dog. It is trained to perform a task, it obeys and it is quiet and docile. They are well groomed and clean. If you encounter a fake, usually they try to play it off as a therapy dog. These dogs are required to submit in advance a letter from the treating professional to the commercial carrier. Also, if they fail to obey, bark or show aggression, they lose their privileges.


    So, if you encounter a service dog working or therapy dog and they are failing the rules, you should speak to a supervisor. It is not the fault of the ordinary disabled person using a service dog, it is the failure of companies to train their staff to recognize fakers.


    Finally, allergy sufferers, I apologize, but cruises and airplanes are considered common areas and you have willingly accepted these terms when you board. My husband has a right to walk and that means a service dog. He does everything according to the law. Most people are kind, a few are rude.


    We will be aboard the Summit in October 2016. Consider yourselves warned.

  7. The prepaid gratuities are really just a nasty little add-on by the cruise line to offset their poor wages, soooo I always tip a decent extra amount starting with the cabin steward, who does the most actual work even in an upper suite, then the butler, who, we don't use a lot but are fussy about things when we do, then the assistants, then the bartenders and the wait staff whom we've gotten to know in our various roosts. In the bars and restaurants it's pretty easy, I base it on the average that the meal or drink would cost in a hotel. For the butler and stewards, it's more tricky, but I usually start at $10/day. It does add up, but they deserve it. I budget about $500-750 for this expense for an upper suite.

  8. We are booked on the itinerary directly following the gap in the schedule that you've observed. Originally, our cruise was scheduled to begin on April 3rd 2016; however, we were later informed that the schedule would be shifted in order to accommodate a charter. Our cruise was shifted to begin on April 11th, 2016 and the subsequent itinerary (which we're also on) also shifted. When this occurred, that was the end of the published schedules so only these two itineraries were impacted.


    I have no idea who chartered Riviera or where they're going, but am intrigued!


    How far in advance does O give to shift the scheduled itinerary? Tell me they wouldn't do such a thing within, say, 180 days. This could severely impact travelers air fare, land reservations, oth arrangements at home. Is there somewhere in the fine print of the contract that guarantees the booking?:confused:

  9. You don't get the best seats in the theater

    You don't get a special table in the gdr

    You don't go to the head of the line in the buffet or gdr

    You don't get reserved seats in Martinis at happy hour

    You have no guarantee that others in lesser cabins can dine in the specialties when you do


    Hey, Oceania!!! I want those things!:D. New way to attract more money to the top suites. Right now, it is really just square ft. :D:D


    Heck, I'd settle for reserved seats in Martinis at happy hour!

  10. How are different ways that I can get OBC for our next cruise. (Insignia, Panama Canal, June 22nd.) Our TA says that none is being provided by the cruise line. How does this work?



    You may be too late to snag a deal for this cruise, but you can try. I go online to cruise compete and ask for discounted cabin, prepaid gratuities, OBC, and more. Then wait while the big agencies bid.

  11. First, let me say I love the ability to book specialty restaurants online and the website is so easy to navigate, giving you a button for each restaurant and a calendar of available dates, then available times on that date. :)


    However, I have a few questions about booking which I can't figure out online. First, one of the first steps in booking online is to choose your preference for dining alone, with another booked party or to share your table. What if I want to dine alone sometimes, with a booked party another time, and to share my table another time. I don't know how to do that. Do I just pick the preference and then book just one reservation, then go back and choose a different preference to book another reservation? I kind of wanted to book a table for 2 the first time around and then share the second time (we get 2 reservations in each restaurant).


    Also, can I invite a group from my roll call to join me and book them online even if they don't have priority to book yet? If so, what info do I need to book this?

  12. Kekilia - I fear I have missed something, been away for a few days, deleted posts etc.,so I know not of the posts or posters which/who have written "stuff", only posts now that make no sense whatsoever!


    But with all that has been said on here, take what is based on actual experience in the top suites and I am confident that you will have a great time and your expectations will more than be met. The butlers will go out of their way to enhance your cruise - and make special and happy memories for you! :)


    This is an Internet forum and people will say whatever they choose, some true, some made up, some what they think others want to read, but then you don't need me to tell you that! ;):)


    Have a great cruise! :)


    Thank you for posting an encouraging word. You are a class act. Though you may not agree with everything I post, you are capable of allowing me an opinion. And guess what, that opinion may change because I am capable of hearing others' opinions and re thinking my position. If only...what a wonderful world it could be.:)

  13. I have read all the posts from the O regulars who find me "entitled" and are offended that I am not falling all over myself to make sure Mr. Butler is happy. I am probably not as bad as you are all making out, and I still remember the Turkish waiter I had in Murano on my first X cruise. What a great time he made of the experience. I am hoping my butler and stewards are wonderful and that they will make my upcoming cruise as amazing as that experience. I believe they will, and even if it's just ordinary, I am going to have the time of my life on this cruise. Who wouldn't love Riviera, the OC, all the amenities! I'm no fool, I am going to have a blast because this may be the last cruise I ever have with my DH of 43 years.


    That said, I will expect the extras as advertised for the very expensive fares that I paid. I have read in detail, both from the website and the brochures, all the promises of what comes with the OC suite. I question only that the fine print (read "official policy") may have left out some limitations which might result in my expecting more and either being disappointed or asking for clarification from management. In any case, the cruise line should stand by any statements made or clarify them so that it is clear before you make your deposit and buy airline fares.


    From the OC bullet list, it states: course by course in suite dining from any specialty restaurant served by your butler. To me, that means any restaurant. If that is not what they are going to deliver, they should state that: course by course in suite dining from any single specialty restaurant at one sitting.


    To all the angry people who have consistently chastised me for having an opinion on an open forum, please excuse me for interrupting YOUR forum. To all the rest, happy cruising and may the wind be always at your back!

  14. Do you dine in restaurants on land where you don't have the option of ordering appetizers and desserts from a different restaurant? Whatever coping strategies you have in that situation will likely work dining on Oceania.


    You are comparing apples to oranges. When I am on a land tour, i provide my own transportation, my room, etc. and order from a menu provided by the restaurant. However, I often ask for split orders, for special sauces, for proteins cooked slightly different than the menu. Restaurants of the higher level are trained to provide these services, without any statements of policy.


    Finally, I am paying premium money for an OC and expect the premium service I paid for. I understand completely how others might feel about their butlers, but I expect these service industry personnel to do everything they can to make my experience equal to the cost for their services. I never take them for granted or abuse them. I am always appreciative, never rude, delighted to become acquainted with the diverse people who choose this employment, and probably pay more than most people with extra gratuities (my "standard" tip anywhere in the service industry is 20%!), including the housekeepers in a hotel.


    So, just because I set a high level of expectation and feel entitled to the service, do not judge! As you can tell from my signature, I don't cruise often (preferring to travel independently usually), but when I do cruise, it is first class all the way. Oceania will either meet my standard or I will go elsewhere.

  15. From Oceania the person that sets policy....








    The correct answer is that we strongly encourage guests to order from one outlet. This greatly improves service and manageability of the process.





    Who else sees this as no real policy? Seems to me that they would prefer you to order from one restaurant, but if you cannot for whatever reason do that, it is acceptable to order from two. We could probably find two entrees from one restaurant, but maybe not so much appetizers and desserts.

  16. Recently, I posted a thread about the new website. From that post I learned I wasn't the only fish in the sea having issues with the new website. On advice from that post, I checked my guest registration and discovered that the month on every date was off by one month too soon, so as I'm sure a lot of people did, I changed it to the correct month. So, NOW OCEANIA HAS ALSO CORRECTED IT, meaning that when I checked the site today, IT IS NOW OFF by one month in the other direction!


    All this finagling with the website is creating a logjam of errors. We correct them, then O fixes the problem, then we have to go back to check. Has created a very insecure feeling bout what O actually has on file. If I could go back, I'd follow S&J's advice and wait until O had the site up and running.


    At this point, I'm doing all my transactions with O by my TA and directly with O on the phone. My dining reservations are coming up in one month. Don't know if I will go online or call? Anybody else feel that way? I'm in a suite so I'm nt concerned too much with getting the reservations I want, but I feel for others who may get stuck. Just say in' :)

  17. Also, I notice that you are from the northeast and don't like the Hoffman Chardonnay. Many of our NE friends shy away from the butter/oak attributes of some Sonoma/Napa/Mendocino Chardonnays. But, I think many O cruisers do/will find it a decent inexpensive dinner wine.



    I love the more oak buttery Chardonnays! Call me old fashioned, but I dislike the new light fruity chards. Thanks for the recommendation.:D

  18. Wow Jacquie, We agree on something, actually we have agreed in the past. Retired Florida, We also are on the same page.

    Stan and Jim, Not so much.

    I have been on both sides of these confrontations, discussions, negotiations-whatever you wish to call them. As at one time the President of a company (65 employees) I did not want an aggrieved individual to come directly to me. As an officer in the Navy in charge of a division of 126 men I felt the same. There is a chain of command for a reason.

    On the other side, when not receiving the proper service, unless it is a major issue why take up the time of the top of the chain. I agree with those who said "why not ask the butler to review the policy?" If he is surly that is a totally different issue but confusion can generally be solved without treating it like a mutiny.


    A cruise ship is a floating hotel and I believe one should act accordingly with respect to the hotel functions. I have on more than one occasion had issues or problems with a hotel room, such as being assigned a room backing up to an elevator without being told such. My first action was to go to the front desk and deal with a supervisor and if that did not accomplish anything, then on to the GM. I have had many travels, encountered all sorts of issues. Most can be lived with, some not. In a small boutique hotel, you have to expect anything, but in a large, well respected, branded hotel, you should receive what you paid to receive. I tip well, I expect first class service. I don't believe I should change this policy simply because the hotel floats.;)

  19. I sincerely hope you don't have any issues but I fear you may be going ahead looking for things (read problems) where no such things exist!


    Why would anyone care on board the ship that you've discussed this here on CC???


    I'm with TC2 on this one and think that the advice given is totally over the top re interaction with your butler and the impression given that butlers are somehow or somewhat and consistently reinventing the wheel, against ships policies and SOPs, as it were!


    The butlers all report to the Head Butler and for me, if there were any issues, he would be my first port of call.


    Really, the butlers go out of their way to enhance your cruise and are highly trained, skilled and professional individuals.


    You so misunderstood me! I was responding to the hypothetical proposed by S&J, in fact, trying to find a more diplomatic way to deal with a hypothetical case. I didn't bring any of this up in the first place. As the OP, I was asking about how the course by course dining was performed. A simple question, no malicious intent.

    Some people are very overreacting on this site. I guess that is why all the emoticons are used, to try to insert innocuousness between the lines. ;):rolleyes::D

  20. Is that I believe the butler is mistaken, that I have read the policy and discussed the issue on CC and could he please check that policy with management or would he prefer that I check with management. This allows the butler to save face and still gives him the opportunity to act before I do. If the policy is correct, it shouldn't take long to straighten out.


    Also, if, as S&J state, there is a growing issue here with butlers, whatever the reason, misinterpreting policy or reinventing it, then going to the GM would make sense. Only management can address the policy as a whole and train its staff, thus making the cruise line better. In no way do I find that insulting to staff. Why else does management exist?

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