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Everything posted by nucdrf

  1. Mine is age related; my husband’s is related to his being immunocompromised.
  2. You should get an official document stating that you are over 70 and cannot have the shot. Our letter is dated, stamped, and sealed by the Catalan health authorities, since we live in Spain. Your doctor should know who you need to get the document from.
  3. We have a certificate dated October 2023 issued by the Catalan heath authorities. Would that fit SA’s requirements?
  4. We were also given Typhoid boosters.
  5. I’m over 70 and my husband is immunocompromised, so no Yellow Fever vaccination for us. We carry letters to that effect.
  6. We are doing the northbound version: Capetown to Gran Canaria. We are U.S. citizens resident in Barcelona, so don't know how that will complicate things.
  7. We will be sailing on the Pursuit's February 20 cruise from Cape Town. It appears that Gambia is the only country on the itinerary that requires an entry visa. Does anyone know if we need to get the visa before we arrive or if we can get it on arrival in Gambia?.
  8. Talisker. I know they have it on board, but don’t know if it’s now included in the Premium Package. It hasn’t been on my previous sailings.
  9. This may be off topic, but Roscoff, if you booked before July 1, you may want to have your agent check to see if there’s a new price for your cabin. We just got a $2400 credit on our Sirena Amazon cruise because of the difference between the price we paid and the current price for the same cabin. Our $800 0Life credit for excursions was increased to $1200, and basic wine/beer package is now included. Given the size of our credit, I’m not sure it pays for me to upgrade to the premium drinks package. I’ll probably wait until I get on board and can see if my favorite scotch is included.
  10. We have booked three cruises on Celestyal in the past four years. Two of them were cancelled, one two weeks before sailing. On my third booking, a 14 night cruise, the itinerary has now been modified so that the trip visits the two of the ports each week, which is a real change from the interesting Northern Greece itinerary we originally booked. So we've had to cancel that cruise. It seems to us that Celestyal is a remarkably unreliable cruise line. Has anyone else had this kind of experience with Celestyal?
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