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Everything posted by TinaLee

  1. Wow, this thread jumped the shark…
  2. We were there in December, but just for a transit on our way to Prague. The passport control line was nuts, but if your flight is leaving within a certain time frame they let you go to the head of the line - just listen for the announcements. We’ve flown in and out of Schiphol many times and I don’t think it’s any worse than JFK and it’s better than CDG. What I always shake my head over is that you land and you taxi for what seems like MILES, even though you can see the tower “right there!” Don’t stress over AMS, but don’t plan a short connection, and arrive at least 3 hours before your flight.
  3. Sorry, I guess the point I was trying to get across was that the more often you boil the water the less oxygen it contains, so having it sit there “warming” just makes it worse, not better. Which is why you never reboil water in the kettle. Thanks for the clarification.
  4. Well that is certainly bad news!
  5. I just think I should interject for the non daily kettle users the following - making hot tea correctly means you take fresh water, place it into your kettle, and boil. Once it reaches boiling level and the kettle turns off, you immediately pour the water over your loose tea or tea bag(s). No water provided in a buffet or at a coffee station is fresh off the boil, so it is not hot enough. The longer said water sits, the more oxygen it looses, again making the brew less than ideal. I get that a lot of people don’t understand the hubbub, but to people to whom this is a daily part of life it is a big deal, most especially when using said kettle is okay “sometimes” on the exact same ship. stepping off my box now…
  6. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that rules be broken and lives be endangered, but your premise fails to take into account that the exact same ships which sail out of the UK in the summer (where kettles are provided by the cruise line in the cabins), when they are repositioned to do the Caribbean in the winter, the kettles are no longer available and “suddenly” unsafe to use?
  7. Well, this Floridian has a kettle that shuts off automatically!!
  8. Yes, Princess was one I knew provided a kettle on UK originating cruises, but if the same ship sails from FL the kettles are a no go - that’s the part I don’t understand.
  9. That’s what I’m worried about - Ribena is a pretty specific ingredient I’m not sure they’d have onboard.
  10. No, it was definitely rice pudding. I like one and not the other, so I’m sure. Should say I went back and looked and the cruise was way back in 2005! 😳
  11. Very random double question(but this is how my brain works). On our only previous HAL cruise (Zaandam long ago) we had amazing rice pudding at the buffet area. Is that still a thing? I also noticed they serve Strongbow (we’ll be on Rotterdam and cruise is in April), so I wonder if there is any chance at all I can get a cider and black? I wonder if I could bring my own Ribena aboard… although my gut tells me no. Thanks!!
  12. While this is their stated policy, you will find that most if not all ships that sail from the UK and carry many British passengers will indeed have a kettle in the cabins for those sailings. Which is why I have never understood them taking this stance when sailing from other ports.
  13. If we have the regular drinks package does that include the Freestyle machine?
  14. Yes indeed - I’m honestly usually more tempted by bread - but I do know anything marked “sugar free” that contains fruit… isn’t 🙂
  15. Excellent news! Thanks so much! We have the beverage package as well, but I’m not a big liquor drinker (too many carbs - lol) so that’s why I was questioning the beverage choices.
  16. Hi all - we’ve only done one previous Holland America cruise and it was long ago! Now we’re booked on the Rotterdam next month and I have a couple of quick questions. I see they have Diet Coke and Diet Sprite (yay for at least two choices) but I’ve also seen mention of sugar free ginger ale onboard? If anyone can confirm and tell me where? I’m just assuming it will be a bar specific option. Also, can anyone tell me if there are any sugar free syrup options in either of the coffee bar locations (GDF or ?Exploration - sorry my brain is fritzing on the name of the second one). thanks in advance! Tina
  17. No, you must wait until you board.
  18. Hi all - we're trying to figure our route once we get off the canal cruise provided by Viking as their excursion in Amsterdam. Can anyone recall the name of the company they used? Did you board near Dam Square? We're headed to Albert Cuyp Market after the boat, and then on to Rijksmuseum, so being able to figure out our tram stops in advance would be helpful. Thanks!
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