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Ky Colonel

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Everything posted by Ky Colonel

  1. My sentiments to a "T"!!! Thanks for sharing your views.
  2. Spot on, contom, and very well said. - agree 100%
  3. Huh???? That's HAL's original announcement of the change in policy/practice and, hopefully, not HAL's response toan yone who wrote in to complain about the new policy/practice.
  4. Good idea, Paulinda, especially if arrangements could be made to have an adequate supply of consecrated hosts onboard so that te remote/virtual Mass could be celebrated "sacramentally".
  5. Just curious, Father, but have you talked with anyone at AOS-USA about this matter? Wondering if part of the impetus for HAL's change of policy/practice was AOS's difficulty finding priests to cover all of the cruises. BTW, my wife and I have made regular contributions to AOS ever since we took our first cruise on HAL several decades ago. We also regularly make gifts to local priests of $100 to cover their annual registration fee to serve in HAL's Cruise Ship Priests Program. It might help AOS continue this service if more contributions were forthcoming ... just saying ... God bless you and thanks for your service to the CSPP.
  6. Great suggestion, iflyrc5!!! I've already sent an e-mail to HAL.
  7. Thanks for your reply, Ferry_Watcher!
  8. Haven’t cruised since very early 2020: Wondering if HAL still has the Cruise Ship Priest Program - any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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