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Everything posted by mattyone77

  1. you should not assume. your comment was extremely rude!
  2. Booked on the Meriviglia August 13th. 1st time on MSC. Always did primarily NCL and we wanted the Haven but all was booked. We booked the Yacht Club.
  3. Thanks for that information! We just booked MSC Meriviglia and we got the premium package so I think we will be covered. Does the premium beverage package include the chocolate shop and gelato/crepe places? I am thinking all those would be ala carte?
  4. Some packages I see online include the Easy Drink Package. Is there a way to upgrade to the Premium? Also we normally sail Norwegian and get the Starbucks specialty coffees included. Does MSC have something similar as far as specialty coffees and are they included in the drink packages?
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