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Everything posted by WrittenOnYourHeart

  1. Much better chance if you order the night before so they can be prepared. That said, on the Beyond you could pretty regularly get some of the standard apps like French Onion soup with no notice.
  2. This. Plus I'm pretty sure "gouging" really only applies to necessities. I get that we all love cruising or we wouldn't be on here, but it's not a necessity.
  3. Just be thankful if on E-Class they're not requiring her to get a solo IV. There are some popular routes where that is literally the ONLY option given for solo travelers.
  4. With the number of homeschoolers, people in year-round schools that could have different than "normal" vacations, and people who just don't care and yank their kids out of school? Nope. There will likely be less kids than the height of "normal" summer vacation, but it won't be 0.
  5. I don't bid, but it has zero to do with location and everything to do with the fact that I cruise solo so the bid pricing is ABSURD for me.
  6. I'm trying...but it gets stuck on the page when I click save after removing it. 😞 Not planning on going on Royal anytime soon, but just in case...
  7. Yeah, I got that. But they have self-debark meet in a lounge or area and line your luggage up in arrival order. It's not the random line that just starts.
  8. And to do that you'll need to be at the designated meeting point EARLY. They line up the luggage in order of arrival and that is the order you are walked to the gangway in.
  9. It honestly depends on the kids. My sister and I would have loved Celebrity and been miserable on Royal. Neither of us was into slides and such. Everything that people are saying are must-dos for teens on Royal would have been lost on us.
  10. I highly doubt they had closed off the whole theater until a few minutes before the show. It's still for everyone. And the seats towards the sides are still perfectly fine.
  11. Honestly on Edge-class in their theater with it being almost in the round, "front and center" isn't necessarily the best seat.
  12. There is no person showing. It just shows "linked" on my reservation in the app. If Celebrity can't see anyone I'm linked to and doesn't see it linked to anyone - and no one shows when I go in to book an excursion - I'm not going to stress it and just chalk it up to an IT glitch.
  13. Mine wasn't showing up when my TA converted my certificate to a cruise when the latest itineraries came out. She called today and Celebrity got it reattached and it shows in the reservation now. I knew to watch if I change the actual cruise. But I had no idea I'd need to watch just for converting the certificate.
  14. I have one showing "linked" in the app, but if I go in to book an excursion or anything only my name shows. My TA had to call them anyway about the OBC from my Book Ahead not showing and she asked them about it. The Celebrity agent she spoke with didn't show anything on Celebrity's end. So bizarre.
  15. Yeah...not a factor. LOL. I live in a studio apartment. Eating where I sleep isn't all that cool now that it's been how I've lived since 2006.
  16. Given that I'm solo so only need access for one device, I'm not interested in the lunch, I don't find their reserved seating area to be my preferred areas, and if I'm at a tender port I'm using a ship excursion, the plan has zero advantage for me. I do online check-in early enough that I almost always get the earliest arrival time and am in the group right behind the Premium Access. In July it was less than 10 minutes between the first person in the Premium Access group boarding and me boarding - so don't expect an "empty" ship for more than about 10 minutes if that.
  17. Mine's not showing my OBC from my Book Later certificate. My TA said it can take 48 hours...I'll give it until Monday (almost a week) and then she'll call about it.
  18. Mine is Apex. I just put in month (August 2026) and they showed up (I did limit the port to Southampton once I saw all the ones to be released today popping up.
  19. Just emailed my TA to ask her to convert my Book Later from this summer to the 8/22-29/2026 Apex to Norway. 🙂 Yay!!
  20. I'm confused... You were on Deck 9 on the Ascent? That is four decks below the pool deck. Were you keeping your window or balcony door open like you're not supposed to??
  21. I'm pretty sure there is only one entrance to Hideaway since you pay for admission.
  22. Thank you!!! I had not realized the link earlier showed anything but the deployment dates. 🙂 I've got 2 I think I am going to decide between - Alaska or Norway.
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