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Posts posted by vandrefalk

  1. "BBC epic" !!! Hahaha.......that's a good one Lady V!

    Your copy is guaranteed provided we can arrange it, especially as you had a cameo appearance adding class, beauty and sophistication (as always).


    You are too kind, Mr. Hum! You mean I didn't end up on the cutting room floor? :eek:


  2. Hum, please don't abandon us entirely! Although you are entitled to a rest now and then.


    If we need to send you a message, we'll go through Blondie!


    When is the release date for the BBC epic? Will it be posted on the BBC website, or must you send we privileged few a DVD??:D


  3. Wilfam, you've gotten some great advice. Many of your islands are small and may or may not have some land adventures (you can check on the website). Some of them are best for just walking around. However, even with Sea Song, you will have crowds in Istanbul, particularly around the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia. You can go to the head of the line in many places, but there will still be crowds.

    I recommend the SD tour of Ephesus -- it is excellent (and it is contracted through Sea Song). But be forewarned it will end up in a rug/jewelry emporium!


    Trapper and Jim are wusses about the Bali beds! I love the front bed and make it all through the night! Looking forward to trying it on the fall crossing :-)


    You'll also start to meet folks at the life boat drill! And you can always ask the maitre'd to seat you with others at dinner. You'll have no problem meeting people. Hope you learn to love SD as we all do!


  4. Ok, ok. This one time, at SeaDream, we had been assigned 1/2 of a Commodore Suite. If you have never been in one, let me tell you, you know what your neighbor is up to most of the time.:eek: As luck would have it, the couple next door were having marital difficulties.....Lots of marital difficulties. Apparently they went on this cruise as a last attempt to get things right. One slight problem, the man also booked a cabin for his girlfriend.:eek: At dinner he was constantly on his phone texting his love who was at the next table. Classy, huh?? Things came to a real climax (no pun intended) one night after St. Martin. Long into the night--were talking 4 or 5 am here--the battle raged next door. Lots of nasty things said, loud slaps, thumping off the wall, big time. The next day, the entire ship knew of the battle. Now, as luck would have it, in St. Martin we went to a "Zip Line". It was really Combat Training in the trees. Lots of steel cables, climbing, etc. Lois is one who bruises easily. Yep, she was covered in bruises after that. You should have seen the looks I got when we arrived at breakfast the next day! We both went around the entire deck swearing it was not us. Anyone who knows Lois knows had I done that sort of stuff to her, well I wouldn't be writing this. She is armed and a very good shot and doesn't take that sort of stuff.......At all...... Ever. The couple in question??? Vanished. Ashore very early. The girlfriend, however, enjoyed the rest of her cruise. :D You just never know who you will meet on SeaDream. At least there were no kiddies on board.:D


    I must lead a sheltered life! Have never seen fisticuffs on SD -- some bad behavior but not to that extent -- or perhaps I'm just oblivious :) And, yes, Jim, you would have been history!



  5. Vandrefalk, part of the soul of SeaDream is the fact that the crew have worked together for so long that they are a family. And the number of repeat passengers create another part of the soul. And when the two are combined, the ship rocks (in a good way). CE is too young to have that kind of soul. How about we sing "We Are Family" the next time we're on board together? Regards to the Colonel.


    Trapper, you are exactly right! But it is something that can be immediately apparent as well. I know our first SD cruise we felt something very special -- which is one reason we keep coming back. Not sure CE will ever reach that pinnacle, although they have a loyal following on their bigger ships.


    Yes, we have a return engagement! And Col/Clint sends his regards to you as well!


  6. Dear Mr. Hum,

    Have thoroughly enjoyed your very detailed comparison between SD and CE. BUT I have one question! Which ship has the better "soul"? I know when CDreamer sailed on another line a few years ago, she said the ship was very nice and in some respects better than SD, but it lacked "soul." I found the same thing when we took another line to Alaska. So, how would you define "soul" and which of the two has more of it?


  7. SeaDream does not offer on board credits (one of my nits). You can get a spa credit from your TA and if you are a member of the SD Club (which you will be after your first sailing) you get 15% off spa treatments and 15% off the wine list. That's it. I've been after them for some time to offer credits you could use for shore excursions and so on, but no luck so far!


  8. Oh, my! HH, you were spot on with Mr. Zimmy! And Lord V is most humbly appreciative of your kind words :) Of course, now he is wandering around the house muttering "Make My Day" (I know, wrong movie) or some such drivel. :D


    By Peter, do you mean Mr. Rima?? I thought he was in Oslo? Or is there another Peter I've managed to not meet through the years?



  9. Next: Lord V !

    Please send your blackmail deposit to Hum's Swiss bank account by noon today for a glowing image otherwise



    I assume wire transfer is acceptable? :D:D


    Actually, can't wait to see what you come up with for Lord V -- you did so well with Mr. Zimmy!


    So glad we don't live in DC anymore! Hope everyone stays home!


    Vandrefalk (Lady V)

  10. Millie, you've gotten some great advice! I never wear heels and take just one or two pairs of flats. I wear pants and a dressy top and may repeat them! On our last cruise, I think I had three pairs of black pants and two or three of white (it was the Caribbean, after all) and several mix-and-match tops. Worked just fine.


    Enjoy and we'll look forward to your review!


  11. Glad you heard from Stefano -- he is the best!

    and Zimmy's DH was correct -- we stayed at both the Cavalieri and Molino Stuckey. The Cavalieri has a shuttle that takes you near the big train station, but you can walk almost everywhere once there. The only downside is that it stops running in the evening, so you would have to catch a cab at night to get back to the hotel. But the views from the hotel are spectacular!!


    In Venice, the hotel water shuttle has one stop across the canal before going to the stop by St. Mark's. Very, very convenient. And the price is right :D




  12. OK, OK, I'm here. Finally coming up for air after getting Christmas decorations down, house put back together, bills paid, laundry done, refrigerator fixed, etc. Why can't I live on Sea Dream full time???


    Jim has covered the cruise quite well -- definitely one of our best, but did miss some of our best friends (you know who you are!). Weather was gorgeous -- only a bit of liquid sunshine, low humidity, nice breeze. If you stood in the direct sun, you got hot quite quickly but otherwise, no problem (and I don't do heat well.) We CCers spent a good bit of time together and it was nice to get to know Zimmy and her DH better. There are no words to describe spending time with HH and Blondie!! Quite the pair and, of course, soon to star in a major motion something or other. Jim and I have been corresponding for a number of years now, but to finally meet him after so many years was a absolutely delightful -- our very own high school reunion! And Lois is a doll! Did not see much of Gantt as they were with other family members, but waved in passing.


    Passenger mix was very good -- except for the guy who got upset because just maybe the BBC crew just might, maybe, possibly gotten a shot of the back of his head -- and was rude to Frud and wanted a refund! And, I think, he was a first (and hopefully last) time cruiser on SD.


    The crew was, as always, first rate. It was a pleasure to see Goran again and I got a real kick when Jerry asked if I remembered him as it's been awhile since we've been on II.


    Agree with Jim about the rolls -- well, I didn't eat them, but the breadsticks at night were fabulous! Whatnot would have loved them! I couldn't stay away from them --but they were not made on board. The bigger breadsticks they had at lunch were marginal at best -- don't think they liked the humidity, such as it was. Food was fabulous and Suddesh and I came to a closer agreement on what a "small" portion is. Will have to keep working on that!


    So suffering withdrawal, but looking forward to the crossing in October and a southern Caribbean cruise next February -- anyone want to join us?



  13. OK -- need to defend myself! I did not corner said BBC producer -- we just had a nice, albeit lengthy, conversation about the virtues of SD. No offers of stardom were offered or accepted in this production and no guests or film people were harmed.


    Must admit there was a collective gasp as the Captain asked how we knew each other -- we gave him an expergated version and he didn't seem to be too panicked, so I guess we are still somewhat safe.


    Must say HH did a masterful job of pinching the Owner's Suite -- some of us were fooled -- but probably not Gantt, Zimmy, and Jim -- which would leave only me and possibly one or two others. Well done HH!


    So on to the next adventure!


  14. Poor Legend -- suspect there will be a LOT of fallout over this one!


    But great news about Capt Steiner and First Officer MacLeod. We don't know Capt Steiner well, but have sailed a couple of times with Mike, who is a delight! He is also very good at Liars Club! Will he be on board next week?


    Leave tomorrow for Savannah and fly to SJU on Friday!! Be there soon!


  15. I get in SD2 on Saturday. We absolutely love it. Hands down, best cruise experience out there. Just sit back and enjoy!


    So you will be on as well? Look forward to meeting you, as we've heard nice things about you!


  16. Jim, HH's description of turn-around day is quite accurate! Actually, they start cleaning the cabins before everyone is off! God help if you try to walk down the hall! We usually try to find a quiet (?) spot at the TOY or leave the ship -- best to stay out of their way! But it is fun to watch the newbies come on board. Last time, I loved it when Christophe told us the ship was ours til 2 pm!


    Now, are you going to be on board soon??


    And why is CTBJR homeless???



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