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Posts posted by cruisingnana

  1. Will be on island in January and really want to see the rain forest, however only shore excursion offered by Carnival is a hiking one. That would be too strenuous. Does anyone know of any other way to see it?

  2. Have reserved for February cruise on Magic, but now will be at Cozumel on a different day. Do we need to notify them, or will they automatically change our reservation to correct date?

  3. Still wondering if we will be allowed in at Park if we arrive by cruise ship. Really don't want to go with the ship group and be rushed to leave. Would like to spend most of our day there as we have been to Roatan several times already and this would be a new experience for us. Hope someone will post back to this thread if they have recently been allowed to go by taxi and then get admitted without taking a ship tour. TIA

  4. Wondering if anyone has done this on their own rather than through ship. What was cost of admission and taxi there and back. Would really like to spend more time there than shore excursion allows. TIA

  5. Is it possible to get to Gumbalimba Park without booking shore excursion with the ship? Would like to spend more time there and really didn't want to be rushed with a crowd of people if posible. TIA

  6. Just read on another thread that Sleep Inn will be charging $5 per person for shuttle in November. If this is correct, would it be less expensive for the 5 of us plus luggage to take a taxi and would they be able to accomodate us and all our luggage in only one vehicle?

  7. So, we have decided not to rent a cabana for our cruise in November because of price increase. Are there lounge chairs availabe for anyone to use or do you then have to rent a clam shell in order to use them? Also, would there be shade available to put the chairs in?


  8. Went on a 9 (I think, It might have been 10) night cruise back in November after being on WW for about 6 weeks. Had lost 11 lbs before cruise and I only gained back 2. I ate what I wanted when I wanted it. Hey, I was on vacation! Got back on plan as soon as I got back and have now lost a total of 25 and counting. There are healthy options available if you really want to stick to plan, however it might be alright to have a little freedom and remember that it's back to plan as soon as you get home.

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