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Louise D

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Posts posted by Louise D

  1. That would have been last September 23, 2010 when there was an explosion near one of QM2's main electric switchboard rooms due to a capacitor having failed. Leaking oil sprayed onto high voltage bars, causing a major arc flash event. The explosion blew the steel door to the room out of its frame. The blast also caused serious damage to an adjoining steel door into the main switchboard room, the stiffeners on the bulkhead of the compartment were buckled, and the steel cover plate on a cross-flooding duct was blown out into the main switchboard room.

  2. Yes, you would be at a large table with other singles and couples of various ages and nationalities. Everyone would talk to you and make you welcome and invite you to go with them to afternoon tea etc. Obviously the longer the cruise, the more likely you are to make strong friendships with table mates. The lovely people on my table in QG were, by a long way, the best part of my recent QM2 world cruise.

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