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Desert Cruizers

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Everything posted by Desert Cruizers

  1. Your reservations should have been linked and your TA should be able to switch both you & your friends. I just called my TA to switch us as we were shown as MTD.
  2. Log into RCCL from your computer it should say edocs and luggage tags available. I print out up to 4 tags.
  3. I will check prices on the Cruise line site regularly for any drops, then notify my TA for verification. I have already had 3 drops for our Explorer cruise next April.
  4. While we have only been on the Wonder last April, we prefer the Radiance Class up to Freedom. Our 1st Voyager Class will be next April. While we did enjoy the Aqua theater performance on th Wonder, the rest of the shows were lacking so we both agreed, we prefer the small Class ships. food at the WJ was poor on the Wonder but main dining was fine. Our crew were very friendly.
  5. Before my husband & I could text with our phones, we would set up a meeting time & location to meet and note where the other was going to be at certain times. Now my daughter & I will text when we wish to communicate through our phones, not the app.
  6. We did this tour last April. It is an amazing Tour, the Blue Grotto uses very small boats to enter the caves and takes two people. Upon entering the caves, you have to be laying down. The only strenuous part is climbing the stairs from the water back to the top. We were on a group tour through one of our CC Members.
  7. We were on the Wonder last April & watched the video at the Hotel before going down to board. we were given a muster station to check in, they scanned our sea pass cards and done. Muster station for us was the Bionic Bar but could be different depending on the ship your on.
  8. My husband & I sailed with friends and some of their family for an Anniversary get together and we were split among 3 tables. Some of the party rotated among the 3 tables.
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