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Posts posted by Colorado5358

  1. GlobalMethod, I really appreciate reading your review, it is very helpful, thanks!

    We’re debating about the Nov. 12 fourteen day trip vs Oceania’s on October 18. We like the ports of the Celestyal trip, and it has two less sea days than Oceania, but we’re concerned since we have read reviews on Celestyal of musty/moldy smells since it’s such an old ship. We would definitely enjoy and appreciate the luxury of Oceania but wonder if Celestyal would be ok and the smaller ship sounds good. We’re usually too tired after touring to take advantage of entertainment, so that’s not really a concern for us.

    Does anyone have details about the dining experience, such as can you eat dinner on your balcony after a long day, or do you have to eat in the dining rooms? is the Buffett always available or only at breakfast/lunch? Why was it barely passable?


    Also, how was the WiFi, embarkation, noise level in the rooms, laundry availability?


    Thanks for any information you can give.

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