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  1. Just another avid follower. I'm happy to hear that you are on the mend and that the GIST was benign! Be sure to listen to the medical advise and don't try to rush your recovery. This is one time that slow and steady definitely wins the race! looking forward to you next world cruse blog. 💖
  2. I avoid the jewelry stores that are 'recommended' by the ship and explore on my own. My favorite where I have gotten a number of really nice pieces is Zhaveri jewelers on Front Street in St. Maarten. I let my husband do the haggling as he is really good at it. That seems to be expected at most of the jewelry stores I've been to in the Caribbean.
  3. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. Will be in the Haven on the Escape in October 🙂
  4. @cruiseny4life Did you happen to notice how crowded the pier parking was?Am debating whether to drive or cab it. Leaving on the Gem on Monday
  5. @ellewoods who is the concierge? Will he be on for the next cruise or heading home for vacation?
  6. I think this thread shows how folks on the same cruise can have very differing opinions. That's why I take most reviews with a grain of salt. To me a cruise is what you make of it. Sure 'ship' happens, but you're on vacation, not cooking or cleaning. I like to just go with the flow.
  7. Just Love Teddy! We had him as a butler in the past, and on one cruise where I surprised my nieces with a suite, they absolutely loved him! He probably won't remember us since it was so long ago, but tell him Dianne, Kara and Kristi say hi!
  8. They have non slip surfaces, but if concerned, just put a wet towel down for extra security. I've done that on days when the ship is rocking.
  9. I guess everything, do we need to get off the ship? Can we just stay in our Cabin? Are there any special arrangements for back to back, do we use the same room key, do they close our account and open a new one, etc.? Plus anything else anyone can think of that I haven't mentioned.
  10. Getting ready for my first ever back to back cruise. Any helpful hints are appreciated. will be going on the Gem out of NYC.
  11. There is no charge. Just go to the NCL web site under casino, here's the link with all of the info https://www.ncl.com/credit
  12. I apply in advance for a casino credit (marker). This way I know my budget for the cruise. Sadly, I've yet to not have to write a check at the end of the cruise!
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