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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. My TA was told the C&A discount is not combinable with the current promotion. Doesn't sound right to us......
  2. TA got it done for us. She said these sailings are a hot topic amongst TA's........ If the word is that widespread, Royal is sure to catch wind of it. Prices are unchanged as of a few minutes ago.....
  3. We've got friends lining up to get that pricing before the ether wears off. Unfortunately, there are no accessible Grand Suites. Our TA is trying to get a Junior Suite for the Grand Suite price ( now doesn’t that sound odd!!!)
  4. Thanks. Didn't work for me......Jan and Feb 2024. Will try later
  5. Any chance new sailings are being added so they had to take the system down?
  6. I was told 2 weeks ago that the plan is to replant in March. Large areas are still without plants though the crew was working every day
  7. I just tried searching for sailings in Jan/Feb 2024....no particular ship, departure port, destination and got a "No Cruises match this criteria"!! Any clue??
  8. We got all excited about the March 2025 sailings. Jr Suites were listed at only $30 more than balconies! But....we couldn't book them on line. Today, the Jr Suite prices is $300+ more. No thanks.
  9. They both work in the MDR at dinner. Both are likely in the Windjammer for at least one other meal. They met on board and were married last February. Cute couple.
  10. **** If you happen to meet Attaib or Esmeralda....Assistant waiters, please tell them Steve and Nancy from Oregon say HI! Thanks.....
  11. We fly in the day before then return to the airport in the morning to catch the shuttle. Never a problem
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