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Everything posted by T^2

  1. I am guessing the "rollout schedule" for Solis might be a bit fluid, at least for the Quest. We are scheduled for the Jan 4th cruise and a previous posting shows the Solis restaurant starting to be transitioned starting on the 4th. I just attempted to set a reservation and was offered the 4th through the 7th. I looked before and didn't see any possibility of reservations, saw this discussion, then found I am able to "supposedly" book a reservation. It looks like I just completed my reservation for the 6th.
  2. I am not sure who came up with the idea of a 72 oz steak, but I read the "sample" menu as a 32 oz steak. Based on other porterhouse steaks I have eaten, the bone is about a 1/3 of the total weight. I realize 21 oz of steak is a lot for 4 oz steak eaters. May have another party join you and you each get 4 oz of steak. As for "getting something" for the restaurant being closed, I personally selected this trip for the Panama Canal not the TK restaurant. My wife said she is looking forward to eating at the outdoor restaurant, since she enjoyed it so much last time we sailed with Seabourn. Since I am getting off the ship on the 25th, I hope they let those of us not going further on the cruise have "first shot" at the new restaurant!
  3. At the risk of being "old school," wouldn't it make sense for Seabourn to have a page or two about this new restaurant on their website that can be searched. Yesterday when I got the first notification I did a search and just did another one. Nothing found. Probably operator error on my part.
  4. I guess we will be one of the first ones to tryout this new restaurant since we are on the January 4th cruise. Look forward to trying it.
  5. No fries. However, in Jan, I just might give it a shot. Wonder how many "strange" looks I will get?
  6. On our first Seabourn cruise, my wife and I had it maybe four times, including Caviar in the Pool, on a two week cruise. We never ordered more than one order a piece. It is a nice indulgence, but we were enjoying the rest of the cruise, both staff and fellow travelers, we often forgot to order it.
  7. Sorry for being obtuse. I looked on the Seabourn web site and only saw Caviar in the Surf/Snow. I wasn't sure if the on-demand caviar is still available. Not that it would prevent me from going on another cruise Seabourn cruise. Don't let Seabourn know that. As for the alcohol beverages, was just curious if there were any changes in the last four years. Thanks.
  8. It's been about four years since my last Seabourn cruise. Planning on a 2024 Panama Canal cruise. Is caviar in the surf/snow the only option? Anyone have an update on the included alcohol beverages?
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