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Everything posted by WomanRN

  1. If you are looking for this summer, Royal Caribbean has some listed or if summer of 2025 Celebrity has some. Celebrity would be more in line (somewhat) with Oceania
  2. There are some videos on You Tube of the wind and the waves crashing over the docks recently😯
  3. She did a really good job! That was just what I was looking for! I was going to ask on the boards if anyone had been recently because we have it booked! Now I really can't wait 🙂
  4. Weather in April is very iffy in Texas. Thoughts on parking outdoors at the new terminal versus indoor garage 4 blocks away with shuttle??
  5. Not sure how old your DD is but we just spent several days before a cruise in Galveston. We drove down, so had the car and got a map of all of the wood tree carvings in the area. Rather than cut the trees down after the hurricane (I think it was Ike??) wood carvers went around and carved many different things into the pieces of trees that were left. Lots of different, really cool ones to see just driving around in the neighborhoods!
  6. We sailed Disney in early December and it was very foggy both leaving and coming back in. We kept hearing the fog horn and sailed right through it in both directions. The fog was bad enough on the way out that the reflection of my flash on the camera caused a "white out" picture!
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