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Posts posted by CORamos

  1. When I first started looking at CCL a couple of years ago, it was at about $60.  I did not think that the OBC was worth the $6k investment at the time.  Finally decided to get in at $12.45 today.  Even if it drops more, it should not take us long to recoup our money with OBC.

  2. Thank you. Princess accommodate their passengers in Tokyo so I just thought that is where to go as we have never been to Japan and we are staying 3 nights pre cuise. I have researched Yokohama as suggested and found 2 with airport shuttle service. Thank you for your guidance.


    Check out the Diamond Princess Roll Call: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2605593


    Several of us first-timers to Tokyo are in the same situation as you.


    A number of us are using Green Tomato shuttle service to pick us up at the airport, drop us off at our Tokyo hotels, and bring us to the port on the 7th.



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