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Posts posted by toad455

  1. 18 minutes ago, nelblu said:

    No problem with parking with 2 ships.  When sailed in August there was Oasis and Liberty and they opened up the outside lots for overflow parking.

    However, 3 ships would be a problem.


    It would be four ships total: the two current RCCL ships, +1 Celebrity ship and the addition of the Vision. I wonder if Royal is seriously considering if the Vision can sail out of Philadelphia. Otherwise, it may end up having their entire summer sailings moved to Florida (Jacksonville?).

  2. 5 minutes ago, Wehwalt said:

    Major problem I see is that if they are both in Bayonne for any length of time, they're going to compete with each other. If RCCI felt it was worth having another ship there, they already would. 


    But I would think immense resources are going to be devoted to getting a channel open to reopen the Port of Baltimore. Once it is, the problem goes away. 



    Bayonne has three ships from May through September. 2 Royal and 1 Celebrity.

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