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Image Comments posted by Vegancruzer

  1. MSC Fantastica package - Breakfast served to the cabin each morning, requested by menu the evening before. It was a nice perk! When they got it right..............LOL

  2. Ti Punch in Guadeloupe - and it packs a punch, lemme tell you. After the first sip, I turned and looked over my shoulder to see how close the ship was. LOL

    It was within 100 yards, so I finished my drink and floated back to the Divina. They were completely out of English guidemaps at this port and the main language is French. It was an interesting day. Also the only port we saw where we were welcomed by police dogs. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Aplmac said:

    Port Zante, St. Kitts?

    Yes! It was a beautiful island. I did not do any excursion here - just walked around the port area enjoying the sights and sounds. I would go back.

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