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Everything posted by Etta1213

  1. I'm proud of you for making it through the past tough years, the really horrid move hassles, and keepin' on. You deserve the best.🩷
  2. Sounds maybe heavy, but I started the study of the book of Revelation thru Bible Study Fellowship. Wow. (It's international, interdenominational, live or on line.)
  3. I can't cruise right now due to my husband's health, but it gives me joy to know you will be on a cruise ship soon!🩷🩷
  4. Looks like you chose that cat to blend with the gorgeous couch, or chose the couch to blend with her.💖
  5. I wanted very much for the young US girl to win the gold; what a sweetheart she is! She was up against a super experienced Chinese competitor though. Sadly, I think the event is not being included in LA four years from now; did I hear that correctly?
  6. How does one find a TA with group rates?
  7. Needs some shag rug to go with it.
  8. You might read Dr Leo Galland, Power Healing, also. He treated me years ago and uses integrative medicine; he diagnosed an illness that multiple doctors had missed for years. (It was Dr Crook that told my husband via telephobe call that if it were his own wife so ill, he'd take her to Leo Galland.)
  9. I can avoid arthritis pain by diet -- pretty much zero sugar, and I also avoid yeast products. Not sure how or why it helps, but if I slip up, I have pain in breast bone and fingers. PS - There are various names for sugar, such as corn syrup, anything "-ose" etc. I eat Simply Fruit instead of jelly. Original Triscuits are sugar free. Lots of label reading.
  10. I think of that murder every time I contemplate a cruise that includes Aruba.
  11. Which cruise line(s) did you use? I wonder if offense matters; for example, felony drug offenses maybe trigger worse reaction than theft, etc. She said she had clients who were rejected. I've read that even a misdemeanor dwi can keep a person from cruising Canadian ports. (I have a close friend who would like to go.)
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