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  • Location
    Athens, Greece
  • Interests
    Travel-93+ countries & 50 US states visited ... Azamara Discoverer+ - Celebrity Elite+
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    28 Cruises with Azamara
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Athens (Piraeus) Greece
  • If you have a personal or hobby CRUISE or TRAVEL BLOG, include the url here:
    Retirement Plan Greece: https://rb.gy/j80pvh

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250+ Club (5/20)

  1. For my wife and myself we book on the Journey for the quality of the crew team. We will be on her in August, September and October and expect the usual high-quality crew and ship experience.
  2. We're glad Heike got what she wanted ... she always went the extra mile for us. Explora is around $700 a night.
  3. Well said TF. One benefit of cruising versus other types of travel is this ability to salvage 'something' out of a change in circumstances. In other travel you can be immobilized in a location for days or weeks due to political changes, weather, etc. With Azamara this 'something' can still be a pleasant cruise voyage, perhaps not to the port a particular cruiser hoped for, but somewhere that can be explored. We get great value for our travel euros in cruising with Azamara!
  4. It is the ambiance of the ships plus the Azamara crews which bring us back. We have been fortunate enough to know quite a few of them for many years. They tell us they are well treated by Azamara and that is what brings them with their great customer care experience back to the ships, year after year.
  5. The waiter really has a significant impact on the overall dining experience, where ever it may be. We prefer the more relaxed atmosphere in the MDR generally, where we can usually find a waiter with a sense of humor. That said we also usually have a SDR meal at least once a week, (we do a lot of b2b on Azamara) just for a change of atmosphere.
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