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Everything posted by CalTexCruiser

  1. That may be how it's supposed to work, but no one has yet reported on this yet. When we won our bid, we were assigned the new suite even before payment was made; in fact, the upgrade fee shows up as a balance due and the due date was the original final payment date (i.e., a date in the past). I believe you have 48 hours to pay, and if you don't pay, the upgrade is revoked and you are "supposed" to get back your original cabin. But if someone else is upgraded to your now vacated original cabin in the meantime and paid the upgrade charge, then what happens? Maybe they have a system in place to prevent that, but I would not trust Princess IT.
  2. I'm green lane but my DW on same reservation is blue lane (we are within 2 days of sailing). As best I can tell when I log into DW's account on the app, it shows she has not yet ordered her medallion even though both ours have been received. The bar code on my phone shows green lane. So if I go to the green lane, will they kick us out and force us to the blue lane?
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