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Everything posted by Breadnam

  1. Vehicle was fine. This is the 2nd time we’ve parked there. You drive through about 5-6 levels of parking and cruise parking is rooftop. It definitely doesn’t seem like a secure building, you use an elevator to get to the top, but we’ve never had a problem or herd of anyone with issues.
  2. We’re on the cruise now. We dropped everyone and bags off at the port. Then drove around the corner to the lot. When we pulled in the worker looked us up on some list and told us to park on 5th floor like we have previously done last year. You should be fine if you booked before owner change. It’s been a great cruise. We have had perfect weather! I hope you’ll get the same.
  3. This definitely could have been handled better but luckily maybe they'll accept all previous bookings as I don't see an easy way to book the same parking lot. SF parking is horrible compared to Long Beach. We took a cruise to Mexico around Christmas and the bad part was being bussed back to terminal but thats just a minor inconvenience. This july will be our 3rd and probably final trip on the Miracle, a great ship.
  4. We have a cruise in July and booked the parking months ago and we got email verification that they will still honor the parking by both companies. I got scared after seeing this and was stressing to find other parking and just not many options out there.
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