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Posts posted by Romy40

  1. Does Princess still offer the end of cruise luggage from cabin to your home airport?

    We did this a couple of times, and it was great - not having to locate your bags amongst the thousands, nor dragging them out and to the aiport, made

    the disembarkation easier.

    They also printed our airline boarding passes as part of this. Do they still do that?

    I believe it was inexpensive too.

  2. I saw on the news that Florida beaches have lots of jelly fish right now, and hundreds of people have been stung. Is this a problem in the Caribbean? Can you "see" the jelly fish, and hence avoid them? I bought some sun screen with jelly fish repellent. Anyone know if it works? I also bought some After Sting. Am I being paranoid?

  3. Wow! Your review was very helpful. Thank you.

    My husband plays guitar and sings in a band here (NOT his day job, ha ha), so I know how it is to have a music "critic" along when taking in bands, shows, etc.

    I KNOW we'll hit that Jimi Hendrix museum.

    I'm going to check out the company that you used to transfer from airport to hotel to ship. Thanks for the link!


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