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Posts posted by SueseaQ

  1. On 2/18/2006 at 4:16 PM, tvaud said:

    When I was a little girl, my grandparents sailed on the Michelangelo and I was fortunate enough to see them off on board. I remember the cabin being very tiny. Lots of people walking throughout the ship. In one of the main lounges, I remember looking around mesmorized...it was wonderful. When I strolled the deck with my family, I knew I didn't want to get off. My memories are so vivid for that long ago, but I was definitely smitten. I remember saying to my sister that day, "Maybe someday if I am very very lucky, I'll get to go on a cruise" Sadly, I never sailed on the Italian line, but later was able to enjoy cruises on Costa and SITMAR. By the way, that was the historic day, so I was told later by the son of an Italian Line executive, that the Michelangelo and Raphaelo were in port together....berthed right next to each other.


    Maybe someday, a cruise executive will see these postings and bring back some of the style and service we once loved and now long for...



    Cindra, I had a very similar experience.  It was in the mid 60's, maybe 1965 when my grandparents left for a 2 month visit to Italy on the Raffaele.  It was their first time back to Italy since immigrating here in the early 1920's.  We too were able to go on board to see them off.  I also remember the very tiny cabin with a bunk bed. What I remember most was seeing all the things they had for children to do and the pool with a slide. I remember that I did not want to get off that beautiful ship. I think that is probably what sparked my love for cruises, though I can't cruise as often as I like.  My mother told me many years later, that my grandmother wanted to take me and my cousin with them to Italy that time, but they decided against it for fear we might get homesick or get "sick from the drinking water in Italy".  When I became an adult and took my first cruise it was on a Home Lines ship with all Italian crew.  The three Home Lines cruises were the best ever.  Nothing since has compared.

  2. I sailed Home Lines Atlantic to Bermuda in 1982. It was my first cruise and my friends and I had THE BEST time! Everything was perfect. It was my first cruise and I had nothing to compare it to at that time. Fast forward 31 years and after having been on other cruise lines, NOTHING compares to the Atlantic and Home Lines! :)

  3. I see it's been a very long time since we have posted here, so I had to check in and say "Hi". I hope you are all doing well and keeping busy with good stuff. I also want to let you girls know, if you don't already, that Face book has a site : "s/s Oceanic -the Love Boat". What a "hoot and a holler" to use Marge's phrase. Great pictures. I even found a couple of my guy and of course some other familiar faces. Even though it was supposed to be only about the Oceanic, I did recognize that some of the photos were taken on the Atlantic and the Homeric.

    If you haven't seen this site on FB I do recommend you check it out, it's sure to bring a smile to your face.....and bring back some sweet memories.

    Take care everyone!!!

  4. I just had to bring this thread to the top of the page again. It was starting to fade away..:(...

    Hope all my Home Lines Sisters are doing OK and faring OK with these snow storms. I just returned to work last week, and today we were told not to take a chance to come in...Oh well, I get to spend some extra time on the computer :)!

    Ladies, stay safe, keep warm and hope to hear from you soon!!!

  5. When I was a little girl, my grandparents sailed on the Michelangelo and I was fortunate enough to see them off on board. I remember the cabin being very tiny. Lots of people walking throughout the ship. In one of the main lounges, I remember looking around mesmorized...it was wonderful. When I strolled the deck with my family, I knew I didn't want to get off. My memories are so vivid for that long ago, but I was definitely smitten. I remember saying to my sister that day, "Maybe someday if I am very very lucky, I'll get to go on a cruise" Sadly, I never sailed on the Italian line, but later was able to enjoy cruises on Costa and SITMAR. By the way, that was the historic day, so I was told later by the son of an Italian Line executive, that the Michelangelo and Raphaelo were in port together....berthed right next to each other.


    Maybe someday, a cruise executive will see these postings and bring back some of the style and service we once loved and now long for...



    Hi Cindra, I had practically the same experience as you describe here. In 1965 my Grandparents sailed to Italy (their first trip back since they both came to America in the early 1920's). I remember going on board the Michaelangelo for their Bon Voyage. I was 8 at the time and my cousins and I ran all over that ship and fell in love with the children's play rooms and the pool area. I remember that it was a beautiful clear summer's day and the ship seemed to sparkle and glisten in the sunlight - an absolutely beautiful sight! When it was time for us to leave, my cousins and I were so upset. We wanted to stay on that beautiful ship and go to Italy with Grandma and Grandpa! Their return trip was on the Raffaelo.

    When I was in my 20's I took my first cruise on the Home Lines Atlantic. Italian crew, and it was absolutely wonderful and like you said, sadly, nothing today can really compare.

  6. Ms JD, I was so thrilled to read your posts today, I'm so happy to hear you are on the road to recovery. You had us worried! Your post brought a tear to my eye as well. As for me, I am on the mend, have an appt to see my MD in 3 weeks and will hopefully get the all- clear to go back to work. As for the "I" word - I hate it too!! Please God, 2010 should be a good year for us all! And I must add, the power of prayer should never be minimized. The older I get, the more I see the power of prayer at work, it's awsome!!!

  7. Hi Nonnie,

    I just came on for a short bit. Got home from the hospital yesterday. Thank God surgery went well, just pretty sore and a little weak right now. Thanks so much for the prayers, they really did work. I don't know if I'll be on again before Christmas, so, Nonnie and all the other Home Lines Girls, I wish you and those you love a Very Blessed Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.

  8. Nonnie, your right it's tooooooo quiet around here these days!!!:cool::cool:

    I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, we did too. Now Christmas is just around the corner....so much to do! I'm having surgery on Dec 18th (please keep me in your prayers) and I need to get all my Christmas baking, shopping and (partial) decorating done. Have to scale back on the decorating this year as I'm going to have a 6week recovery period and it's too much to think about :eek:. I'm also not sending Christmas cards this year - a first, but hopefully only this year. Now that I'm working full time again, I'm exhausted when I get home...I have to muster up some energy...LOL

    Hope all other sisters out there are OK, Miss JD hope to hear from you soon!!!

  9. Hi Marge, Hi Nonnie, and Hi Ms JD too!

    Gotta love the power of prayer especially when there are a group of us prayer warriors going strong. It was great news to hear that Janet is out of the hospital and on the mend. Marge, Thank you so much for letting us know how things are going. It is so true about praying for each other every day, like I mentioned in a previous post I felt moved to add my cruise critic freinds to my daily prayer list a few weeks ago. It just seems like we are living in such crazy times that we all need all the prayers we can get. And for some reason it also feels very special to me that even though most of us have never met or even spoken to each other on the phone, we have developed a truly caring friendship. It is very special to me indeed.

    By the way, Marge, for years I would say my prayers when I got in bed, however.....these days I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, and I wound up falling asleep before I finished praying.....LOL.... that's why I had to find another time when I could pray without distraction, or chance of falling asleep!. The drive to work became the perfect prayer time for me.

    Ms JD, So happy to hear you are home and doing better, Baskets of virtual flowers with Get Well Balloons being sent your way.....and the prayers will continue too!

  10. Hi Marge, Oh my goodness, I got so upset when I saw your post this evening. I haven't been on the computer for a few days and this was awful news. I am a great believer in the power of prayer and be sure that I will be praying for her, just a little secret for you....My prayer time is in the morning while driving to work (about a 40 - 50 minute drive). I find it the perfect time to pray for every one without distraction and I have for the past few weeks added my CC friends to the list. I pray for God to bless you all in what ever your needs may be. Now I will say extra prayers for Cruisin, and if you have contact with her please be sure to let her know. The power of prayer is very strong and the more of us that are in agreement about this the stronger it will be.


    Miss JD, sending you a big basket of good wishes and lots of prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.....we need you here!!!!!!

  11. Ms JD, you go girl!!!!!! I could not have said it better myself!!!!!:D:D:D

    Mr. Mark, none of us here would ever "YELL" at you for your question, however this little sister-hood of ours is really a "girl-thing", sort of like a "chick - Flick", if you will. Only, we and our adorable Home Lines Boys were the stars of this real - life drama. ;)

    I can understand your inquisitiveness about this, I dare say, most women who have never sailed on a Home Lines ship can understand it. We have, many times stated that as a woman, you have to have sailed Home Lines to truly understand why we feel the way we do. All I can say is I echo everything my "sister" elaborated on in her very eloquent response to your query. I'm sure I speak for many of us here in saying that we all feel the same way. :)

  12. Welcome LoverBubbles, it is a rarity that a Home Lines lover isn't a gal from somewhere in the North East, but, deary, you obviously speak the same language as the rest of this sister-hood when it comes to cute Italian crew members ;). Welcome Aboard! You'll have to let us know how your cruise on the Veendam goes. I had considered that cruise at one point, but then opted for the Caribbean Princess because it's a 9 day cruise and I am sorely in need of a vacation, it's been years since my last.

    ArubaGal,We've mised you! My goodness, sounds like you've been through the ringer. And I thought I was having troubles :eek:! I surely hope everything is starting to settle down for you and everyone is on the mend. I definitely will keep you in my prayers :).

  13. Hi Girls,

    Thanks for the good wishes for Dad, he needs a lot of help now especially during the night. I'm exhausted, having to get up early to go to work, so on Monday we have a live in home health aid starting. Hopefully it will work out and I'll get a little bit of a break during the night, we'll see. I'm just not too thrilled about having a stranger come to live in the house, but we have to try.

    By the way, Marge, do you have a doctor lined up for your knee replacements. I had my hip done at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC, and it was very successful. It's a great place for that stuff. I think the doctor that did my hip does knees also if you want his name, let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address so I can e-mail you the info.

    Not for anything, but I just had to laugh.....all this talk about hip and knee replacements, caring for aging parents....things that would not have even entered our minds way back then......time really does march on. That's why it's so much fun to re-live those carefree, wonderful days here with you all!

    Ciao for now.

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