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Everything posted by Sunny2468

  1. Thanks very much! That’s encouraging!
  2. I have the same question! Heading there soon on Carnival and want to book a dive- open water.
  3. Cross posted in Cozumel forum. We'll be on the Magic, supposed to dock at 8am. We plan to meet for an excursion with a tour company in town, which looks to be about 12 mins from the cruise port. With disembarking the ship, going through security, getting a taxi, is it realistic that we could be there by 9/9:30am? How reliable is it that the ship docks on time and disembarkation goes smoothly enough that we won't miss our activity? Thanks for any insight!
  4. We'll be on the Carnival Magic, supposed to dock at 8am. We plan to meet for an excursion with a tour company in town, which looks to be about 12 mins from the cruise port. With disembarking the ship, going through security, getting a taxi, is it realistic that we could be there by 9/9:30am? How reliable is it that the ship docks on time and disembarkation goes smoothly enough that we won't miss our activity? Thanks for any insight!
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