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50+ Club (4/20)

  1. Wasn’t just the length of dinner but no courses showing up together, so you had quests getting entrees while some had not gotten served appetizer’s. I’ve cruised a bunch including on Celebrity, you pay for the service on celebrity, this was an expensive trip. My one fare was equal to what I paid for 3 day cruise for three folks on RCCL. I don’t want special treatment but I do expect standard service. Will it ruin my trip? Absolutely not, but does it make me second guess choosing celebrity again? Absolutely yes. Plus I got a couple of other quests to join us on this trip and they have not sailed Celebrity before so for them, I doubt they will cruise this line again.
  2. It’s 9:07pm and still haven’t left port at Ft Lauderdale. Dinner took 2+ hours as they were low on staff. Still haven’t left port. Had 4 cabins booked and haven’t met our room attendant yet. One cabin was booked for 3 passengers but only two person bed setup. No toom stweard, left room and physically yelled for assistance. This is BS for how much this cost.
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