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Posts posted by 4bythebeach

  1. My husband did it for the first time on a cruise and had a great experience. The person who did it explained exactly what she would be doing and why it works and that she did eastern style. He had some immediate relief (not total relief) and found a Dr here after we got back who also does eastern and had 4 or 5 more appointments and acheived total relief of pain he had for about 5 years that he just chalked up to not taking care of his body when he was a kid.

  2. We are on the 2/2/19 sailing :). We’ve been to Nassau a few times. Last time we enjoyed Tiki Bikini Hut, but now that it is more expensive, are thinking of staying on the boat, and enjoying the sun and our drink package :)



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    I agree 100 percent with you, we used to love this place until it turned corporate.

  3. Have only done Monsters of Rock charters and the activities are based on what the charter company has provided.

    The bar staff, wait staff and room stews are still wonderful. Didn't notice a difference in food or service anywhere on the ship.

    I would say if it is a charter theme you are interested in, go for it!

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