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Vic The Parrot

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    NJ USA
  • Interests
    cruising,beaches,Jimmy Buffett
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  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Trans-At, Bermuda

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  1. Hey there. Thanks for the report on your experiences. Just have to say those pics of the food at Rudi's really caught my eye. If only I could cook like that! 😵 But where exactly is The Catch located? I looked on the deck plan, and can't seem to find it.
  2. BTW ... If you're hungry when you get to SD, and in the mood for Italian or pizza, I recommend Filippi's in Little Italy. Great food.
  3. No ... I complained, but got "pooh - pooh'd away" by a drone. They just don't care. 😡
  4. We're having a heat wave in NJ. Mid to high 50s this weekend. 😵🍦
  5. She's a beautiful ship. I need to book something on her. ☺🍹
  6. 73 is nice. Wait til we hit 22F up here. That's cold! LOL
  7. At least you're getting out of there before the "monsoon" hits FLL. 😵
  8. There is an easy solution to this ... Get rid of BBKings. 😡
  9. That's awesome! I've always wanted to sail QE since she came into service. And hopefully I might get that chance. Thanks for your info. If we're ever on the same ship, you'll get a few rounds on me! 🍻
  10. The past few times I've sailed on HAL ships, I was able to get packs of smokes at any bar. The selection was slightly limited compared to what the gift shop had on offer, but we managed.
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