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Vic The Parrot

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Everything posted by Vic The Parrot

  1. Thanks @Coral! Great to get a sneak peek at 2024. It would have been keen to be on Suns 9Oct sailing. Neat way to celebrate my birthday that day! Oh well. Back to the drawing board.
  2. A good way to get rid of it is to start singing "Wonderworld" from Beverly Hills Cop. 🤣 -ducking-
  3. No need for sorry ... That's one of my favorite tunes. Now I'm in a California mood. 😁 Like, you know ... it's like totally gnarly, dude. Fer shurr.
  4. Great Now I can't get that song out of my head. 😎
  5. I didn't know John Mullany moonlighted as a HAL crew member. Dude wearing blue shirt lower left hand corner ...😶
  6. Did you bring a gallon of paint and a chisel to scrape off the "NIEUW" ? 😎🤓 Welcome back, and glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
  7. That kind of makes sense. The laws of physics are just as mysterious as the stuff Mr Murphy throws at us. 🤯
  8. HAL beds are the best at sea. The linens are buttery soft, and the mattress is like sleeping on a cloud. Pure Heaven. ☁️
  9. If you're looking to unload them, I'll take a few. I'm always hunting for cool HAL mementos.
  10. I haven't seen that in ages! Thanks for bringing that up. 🤣 (But my personal fav is BING BING BONG BONG BING ... I think that's the right order. 🙃)
  11. You've made me verclempt. 😕 I still have fond memories of my very first HAL cruise on Nieuw Amsterdam from NY. It was a 10 day to Bermuda and the Caribbean. After that trip, I was hooked. Loved the ship, the food, that beautiful promenade deck. If I had a Tardis, I'd go back in a heartbeat!!
  12. There were ducks on Regal Princess a few years ago. And I met the person who planted them through out the ship. (And I was sworn to secrecy regarding their identity 🙊😉)
  13. I agree with you guys wholeheartedly! Nothing beats a sailaway from Pier 90 on the west side, then being at the rail enjoying the sights and sounds as we glide down the Hudson. Sigh ... The good old days. 😢
  14. You're safer in Mexico than here in the US. They don't have mass-shootings every couple months. 🙄
  15. No pen and stationary? No more chocolate? Is this still supply chain issues, or has Princess upper management been outsourced to Motel 6? 😵🤪
  16. It's been reported today on the local news (NBC New York) that the city is planning additional shelters, and will be moving the current residents in time for the cruise season.
  17. Thanks, Dides, for the updates and photos of the building progress. However, I've noticed that the bow badge is missing. On the other newbuilds, the blue paintwork would split and the badge would be seen in the white middle part. Doesn't she get one? 🤔
  18. Agree. I think they will eventually. (My wager is a bucket of beer ... 🍻)
  19. Does monsieur require a bucket? 😎😀
  20. You've reminded me of that scene from "A Night At The Opera" with Groucho and company spilling out into the passageway. 🤣
  21. Hmmm ... (Can you see the light bulb above my head? 🙃) I wonder if the QA 9Jan2025 Soton departure will also be sold as a WB crossing segment?
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