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Vic The Parrot

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Everything posted by Vic The Parrot

  1. More than likely, it will be Old Town. On all my sailings into San Juan, the ship always docked there. This applies to almost every cruise line ... HAL, Princess, Cunard, etc Pan American is used by Celebrity for their RT Caribbean cruises from SJ. Enjoy San Juan. It's a charming city!
  2. The pistachio dome looks like a pacifier ... 🤪 Are you still on board? If so, track down the restaurant manager and voice your concerns.
  3. You really wanna get rid of him, do ya? LOL. 😱😵😎😀
  4. Hope that includes the inaugural Caribbean season of Sun Princess. Planning on celebrating Thanksgiving and a birthday on the same trip. 🎉🎂🍹
  5. Buildings have floors. Ships have decks. (Someone had to say this. 😎😉) BTW .. Welcome to CC. ☺
  6. I know, right? It's the same thing when I see someone driving a convertible with the top down and the windows rolled up. 😱😡 Why even bother ...
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