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Posts posted by collectingcoke

  1. On 5/28/2019 at 6:03 AM, gmbhardy said:

    One thing that also disappoints me is the Latitudes reception. It’s a totally benign event that is just an excuse to promote CruiseNext (as if people in the room don’t know about the program). They serve cheap booze and cheese and crackers. You would think they would serve something a little nicer to their best customers. On some ships, the officers make an attempt to circulate and engage guests but on others they simply make an appearance and then quickly disappear. Why not organize some prize draws or hand out something like ship pins. You should leave the event feeling special not feeling it was a waste of time. 

    I so agree.

  2. Kids shouldn’t be allowed in the haven pool area. That’s why there are slides and pools on the pool deck. Or put the kids in the kids programs, we pay to relax in peace not listen to your kids splashing and taking up the spas in the haven area.

  3. just got off the getaway in a H-4 2 bedroom family suite, we paid 8,000. While onboard went to cruise next desk to look at the haven suites on the new Bliss for 2019. I couldn’t believe it when she looked it up and like it was nothing said they start at 17,000.00. Over 20,000 for deluxe owners suites. That’s for Alaska for Caribbean it’s a little less. That’s crazy.

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