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Everything posted by maryisme

  1. I would not normally either. However, I could not justify $7000 more for a balcony and I tried!
  2. Booking number did change. I probably should have gone about the downgrade differently. Live and learn. Thanks for your reply.
  3. Forgot to mention I have a Time Machine 😁. Thanks for your reply. Only $200 but rep seemed so unsure. Will give them a call back. Mary
  4. Hi, This is my first time sailing with Princess. Our cruise is not until July 2004. I initially placed a non refundable deposit on a mini suite. I decided to downgrade to an obstructed view cabin (savings of over $7000). I lost my deposit on the mini suite. The rep advised it was non refundable but I thought it was transferable. She kept placing me on hold as if checking with someone else. Does this sound correct? PS my confirmation states that it is 100% nonrefundable, but it does not say it’s not transferable. Thank you. Mary
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