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Everything posted by Whitewings2

  1. We usually take 12 bottles for a 15 day cruise. 2 are no fee and the rest $15 per bottle corkage. On board the bottles that cost $30 are really only a $5 bottle on land, so we take a $20 bottle and even with the corkage fee it's only $35 - a much better value. We just pick the bottles up in the town we are departing from and sit them on top of our case in a wine carrier while we wait to embark - very easy.
  2. We saw that production on the Sky in March 2021 - Terrible. Everyone was walking out as well. I cannot believe they are still have it.
  3. There were board games outside Crown Grill when we were on board the Enchanted in Sept. 2022 Few books there also.
  4. We were on Sky transatlantic last March and the Enchanted transatlantic in Sept last year. No library on either, but they had a few books outside the Crown Grill. There were also games in the same area. Sudokos and trivia sheets were at customer service desk on both ships.
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