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Everything posted by Jax129

  1. we were on the Mariner over New Years & my husband couldn't believe they STILL us the same old books they've had for at least 10 yrs There's a little bit of everything though
  2. One thing I LOVE about Radiance class is sitting outside at the Windjammer!
  3. I'm doing 8 nights on Jewel in March I enjoy the radiance class but this will be our first time on Jewel
  4. I was wondering if we could do the same restaurant twice. The wording on the website made it seem like it had to be 3 separate venues.
  5. I bought one because I want to bring 2 bottles of really good Cabernet. It wasn't anymore than restaurant prices & better than the cheap stuff by the glass.....oh & I was able to buy it for just one person, it looked deceiving, like you had to purchase for both people but you don't
  6. something similar happened to us back in 2018 My husband is in the restaurant business so we're always super nice but it just gets too much.
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