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turquoise 6

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Posts posted by turquoise 6

  1. I was on Board TransAtlantic arrived September 9,2018

    I bought the drinking package, includes cocktails,with Vodka or any hard Liquor. Wine by the glass


    There is a lot of resistance in selling this by some staff. I had a few encounters. The Wine Staff hates it , the Bar staff are better.

    Depends on the bar , service can me good and will give a good serving of liquor.

    It’s a new program, so it’s working with some issues.

    I’m glad I took it

  2. Wow wow wow :o What a horrible experience! As a fellow Cruiser my respect and sympathy for what you are you family went through I’ve sailed on many Icean liners and Cruise Ships. And I know how it feels to be caught in a storm . Even a day is enough. My allegiance and sympathy goes to the Paasenges not NCL.

    I was on this ship as well, worse cruise I have been on.

    1. We were never properly informed of what was going on. Tuesday we were suppose to go to Great Stirrup, I guess a couple of tenders tried to make it over but waves were so bad that they had to return. I spoke to one of the ladies on the tenders and she told me, it was so bad everybody was throwing up and when they got back to the ship, it was very difficult to get back on board because the waves were rocking the tenders too much.

    2. After the tenders returned, the Captain and Cruise Director made announcements about cancelling the rides over to Great Stirrup. Shortly afterwards the ship started leaving. The Captain then made an announcement about rough seas planned for the night and that he would have to optimize the speed to have less of an impact, but it should improve by early morning. That night the boat was rocking. Similar to when I was on the Quantum a couple of years ago, some people were scared, but it wasn't as bad as the next day. If it was my 1st cruise, I probably would have been very nervous too. I know are kids were. I can only equate it to, going through turbulence for the 1st time on a plane. We are now locked in from access to outside anywhere.

    3. After a sleepless night, next day expecting it to get better, but it isn't. Can now begin to see how bad the ocean waters really are. Stilled locked in. Eating in buffet area is a challenge. Our kids are beginning to get dizzy and only want to back to room to lay down, we tell them it will be alright, lets go to a couple of activities and by dinner it should be fine. WRONG!!!!. In my opinion, worse night of the cruise. We were at the Brazilian restaurant and each kid is too sick to finish eating, my fiance's mother is now sick. Kids just want to go back to the room. My fiance and I decide to head to the Casino later in the night when kids have fallen asleep. Walking around the ship we could see water leaking and buckets. At one point, there was a wave that was so high that it slammed against the glass so loud it could be heard throughout the ship, everyone standing there just froze and the fear of "are we going to make it?" Look on their faces. When we got to the casino, we were there for a few minutes, when she said the ship is leaning, I said it will straighten out, but it didn't. At one point, her ashtray flew by both of us and you heard glasses shatter from the bar. That's when we said lets get back to the rooms with the kids. Looking out the window of our cabin, the waves were insane, the kids room on the other side of the ship, the water was right there. Another sleepless night. I literally thought the stabilizers were going to go.

    3. Its now Thursday and still rough sailing and we are getting the same announcements. At this point, I am tired of hearing about optimizing speed and entertainment changes. Staff that I spoke to had no answers either. Everybody is frustrated, you are starting to hear bits and pieces from different passengers about how weather is back in their home areas, but those of us with no wifi don't know much else. The few channels we have are talking about Trump and how the storm has impacted the East Coast.

    3. Announcement hits friday morning how we are delayed getting into NYC, which we are puzzled since we had left the Bahamas so early (some were hoping we were going to stop somewhere else instead). We finally arrive in NYC and they tell us at 330 that the first group can put on jackets and head to decks 6, 8, and 11 but not 7 because thats the deck we are leaving on. We are in line and there is no organization. Everybody is on the stairs, people are cutting people in line, arguments are breaking out and I can't visibly see any staff members at this point. The line moves slowly and then is halted. Announcement is made that there is ice on the deck so we now have to wait. While we are waiting people are now receiving text messages, including myself, are we ok? People are now reading social media and reading how we had deliberately travelled through the storm and now people are pissed. An hour later line is moving again, but its so disorganized I am surprised nobody got trampled.

    As I read different stories about what was going on, it infuriates me thatthey would risk our lives for profits. Especially since airlines had cancellations, the port was delayed, and they had to push the next cruise out to the next day any way. If they had kept us informed and held back until the storm had passed, I would have been ok with that. These cruise lines should have learned from the Anthem. This is just my quick synopsis of what happened. Oh by the way, we got a $23 refund for not going to Great Stirrup........awesome.


    PS- I have to give kudos to the workers, who remained up beat and professional throughout this whole ordeal, even when passengers were not so nice.

  3. Hi Cunarders

    Thank you for you heartwarming sentiments. 😍

    I guess I will get a stateroom, as long as it's a balcony. I like to step out, even in high seas.

    Maybe there will be an upgrade? I've heard Britannia Club is very nice

    I retract my statement, about Cunard U.K. Prefers U.K. Customers

    "We are all in the same boat together."

    I will post any updates

  4. Hi Salacia

    Thank you for putting things in perspective here , as always!

    Well, the U.K. Office, I believe is Carnival.UK based in Southampton.

    It's not helping my situation, having the U.K. Office handle by Stateroom situation.

    I'm sure this wouldn't happen to A UK Customer.

    I will keep my situation posted



  5. Hi All, I'm

    Sailing on QM2 from Brooklyn, NY . On July 28 , 2017. We booked the trip back in March 2017

    As a guarantee, Balcony. Not the first time. Diamond Member also.

    Haven't heard anything as far as Cabin. Cunard Customer Service Here in the U.S.A said

    It's up to the inventory office in the U.K. For an assignment.

    There goes the fun

    And anticipating about the cruise. Now it is "if and When " we can a stateroom.At the Dock?

    Anyone encountered this?

  6. Eh, I don't hate my job, I have control of my schedule, and no one else does my work when I'm away. I would just as soon disembark with credit and try again another day.


    Yes, I understand that some folks feel that you should just swallow and be happy, but this is a business built on loyalty, customer service, and good will. NCL is making a bad situation worse. Does it have to make it better ... no. Should it make it better ... yes. And, I say this as a shareholder as well as a passenger.

    If you got off the Ship now, will I doubt if you will get a flight to Florida today.

    Due to the Hurricanes.

    The Captain makes decisions based on NOAA , Coast Guard ,etc

    The Captain makes decisions to keep ALL passengers , crew and ship safe.

    Passengers have the Responsiblity to help Captain maintain this.

    Your all on the Same Ship together!

  7. I have 2 Friends on board. Im happy they are safe. The Captain had no choice but to cancel tonight and Bermuda

    There is very high surge of water in NY Harbor.

    The beach at Coney Island is covered in surf up to the board walk

    It would be difficult for the Breakaway to pass under the Verrazano.

    There is high surf warnings by NOAA off NY and NJ, due to Matthew.

    This extends all the way to Bermuda

    The Breakaway would have to cross the path of Matthew.

    Then to make matters worse, Nicole is on its way to Bermuda, Wenesday or


    It is ,what it is

  8. The WTC Twin Towers was home to many International Shipping and

    Freight companies .

    The Twin Towers were built across the the street which was the Docks or Piers

    That Housed UNITED FRUIT LINE , PORTO RICO LINE around to South st

    Was the WARD LINE, with S/S MORRO CASTLE

    Cunatd LINE on Broadway is a short walking distance

    A few short blocks south on West Street ,The DOWN TOWN ATHLETIC CLUB

    Which had many members who were involved in shipping eg, Moran Shipping

    The area of the WTC shipping history go back to 16th Century

    It's amazing the WTC connection with ships

    All in memory of 911

  9. Do you mean you were heeled over for more than an hour? If so, this had nothing to do with a rogue wave, as this would have merely caused a large roll and then back the other way. Sustained heeling is caused by "wind heel". This is when the wind is taken on one side of the ship, and the force of the wind heels the ship over. They will move ballast, fresh water, and fuel to counteract, but this takes some time. I suspect that the Captain decided that in order to reduce rolling by keeping the seas and swells pretty much on the bow, he had to take the wind on one side, which resulted in the heel. This is pretty common on ships, but the high wind speed certainly increased the heel, and the amount of weight needed to be shifted to counteract.


    As for damage, plates and glasses will start to slide and fall at 5-10* unless placed on special non-skid mats or the tablecloths are wetted down. Drawers that were not properly latched can slam open causing damage, and doors not secured will swing and cause damage. It will take a bit more heel to get things like ceiling panels and such to come down.


    Thank you for your knowable response.

    We were tilted until day light. It was an intense storm that developed off

    Newfoundland the first week of August

    By 6 am the ship was on level. But there was broken glass , etc

    All over the ship

    Now the QM2 just went over a major refit, and the added on deck , which

    Was open space, new staterooms adding more tonnage and height.

    I wonder if this added to the unstablity?

  10. Turquoise: Thanks for your review. I appreciate your opinion. I've also experienced the QM2 post re-fit and have a somewhat different opinion, liking different things than you, not enjoying some things that you like. One of the things I love about CC is to read others' opinions and reflect on them. You've given me some issues to think about. Bravo to you!

    Thank you Tv24. I agree , here on cc we can express our ideas or issues we see on the ship. This helps and hopefully makes it better.

  11. I am reading all of your posts and it's very interesting. All knowledgable

    I was on the RMS Queen Mary 2 sailing from England to NY in August

    It was 3 am when I was awoken , when I almost feel out of bed. Glasses were falling, in the state room. The ship was at a tilt. I put on the CCTV for info

    We were in a storm .

    We were like that for more than a hour

    Later on at noon. Capt. Wells said we were had a 5 degree tilt. (It felt much more,,, as there was damage all over the ship)

    The high winds of over 100 mph. Force 12 storm and a rouge wave tilted us

    And was fixed by adding ballast .

    No mention of the pods.

    Any ideas?


  12. I do want to be fair, an objective so I must

    Say that that I when I arrived in Ny, I wasn't feeling well. I was put on antibiotics for a bacterial infection with fever

    A travel companion on board was quite ill and develop Acute Gastrointestinalitus and is under 2 types of anti biotic

    The report tells it all

  13. Hi Salacia

    Very interesting , I can understand why.

    As I described , the decks looked not very tidy. The bar tenders refused to clean the ashtrays at deck 7 rear. They said it's the deck hand job. And there

    Were a lot of smokers !!!

    In my last post I described the deck area problems. It was summer , so we all go on the decks.

    I will look over the inspection chart again !

  14. I was on another Cruise to Bermuda over Labor Day, but that's a different

    Ship Line. So

    This summer voyage / Cruise from Southampton , to NY was exceptionally long , 8 days. We had every type of weather you can imagine , fog, very calm seas, very rough , windy, very hot. This is not normal for August TransAtantic .

    1.the decks were very crowed , facing stern). The waiter would ask if you like

    Coffee or tea, but you must hand in your card. For a fee?

    2.the ship unfortunately , had its share of bizarre passengers. , I guess being

    Summer. There was one woman who was a smoker, liked to sit on the public stare cases or in the corridors all hours of the night. She was later escorted with Security on the ship .

    There was another lady dressed in bathroom, and a towel or scarf around her

    Head. She would look for the best situated deck chair and demand the people

    Get up, since it was hers. All the time. When we arrived in Brooklyn, I noticed her , rude as ever. Think I heard her say. She was looking for a cab to New Jersey . There were a few more waking around .

    3. The Former lobby of the Todd English , haa a beautiful entrance with the round sofa. Still there. , but the huge Urns (had history , Ancient Greece ? ), which I really admired as well as the fresh cut flowers.all GONE

    4. The Pavillon pool was/is a day care center . Tons of children in the pool and hot tubs. The male attendant of the teenagers was very much in charge.

    5. The Godiva shop is amazing .

    6. Kings court at 3:30 pm is worth the visit. I love the baked potato ,

    7. Casino , very small , lack luster. Wow even on the Titanic , there was gambling .

    My obervations from my personal sailing on the Remastered QM2


  15. Turquoise I took your post in the way it was intended Positive with a good insight to the changes Thank you

    Hello Electra

    Thank you for your kind words and support of my post. It can be challenging

    To be critical of important issues and yet be positive , as not to turn people off

    Or become hostile .

    There are some many great changes from the remastering of QM2.

    On the other hand it's important to point out the not so good.

    Cunard needs our feedback , to make it better for us.

    I will express my opinions and concerns later on.

    Thank you!

  16. Hi BlueRibbon

    The voyage was great. I made more friends than ever before, eg from France

    Switzerland , Wales. We became Facebook friends

    I felt the passengers were more open and friendly.

    On board going East was Francis Ford Coppola. Later on west bound

    Herbie Handcock. Excellent !

    About the changes , some are not good.

    Outside the Pavillion Pool is. Nautical Chart that pointed where the QM2 was located at sea, Daily by a Crew Member. That's GONE. Now is a wide screen TV

    And it's the same program that's shown in the stateroom . Tacky idea on an ocean liner.

    The embers and smoke falling on decks was from a change in fuel.

    The photograph shop is very proffesional . Big difference from before.

    I ordered 2 photos that were put on canvas . In fact the last Canvas was ready

    At 1 am the last night before arrival. DANE is the very talented British Photographer . We waited in the Chart Room having wine. We had so much fun waiting with 2 new friends we meet on board .

    The Britannia is classic . I'm so happy they didn't touch that dinning room.

    Oh , I like the HOT TUBE that was added at the stern. Large, Clean and what a view!

    The Staff and Crew are very proud of the Remastering. They will ask me

    if I like the way the ship is now.

    Captain Wells is amazing . Funny, Warm,Knowledgable .

    The QM2 for its immense size has a personable Yacht feeing with Big HEART.

  17. I'm sorry the refit was such a disappointment for you as the only positive thing you found was the revamp of Kings Court.


    This is a problem that any business has in trying to stay relevant to their market. Fail to evolve and one becomes dated and the old clientele that adored it dies out. Evolve too quickly and that loyal clientele feels alienated and they go elsewhere.


    I too miss the Noon bell but it appears that the table sales that take place where it once was make money or they would not to it. It's not going to change as long as this cheap tat is patronized.


    What route were you on that allowed exhaust soot to accumulate on deck? If it was a TA it must have been pretty calm and obviously those newly installed scrubbers weren't operating as they should.

    Hi. Thank you for your concern, but I never said I was disappointed .

    I said there is good and bad

    It was a Transatlantic , one going to Southampton , U.K.

    The other from Southampton , to New York

    I do like the Carpathia Lounge. !

    Adding an extra deck with staterooms is interesting.

    Reminds me of what Norwegan Line did to the France, when it became the

    Norway .

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