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Everything posted by biker@sea

  1. We got a free upgrade from an inside to a port hole ocean view on the second day of the second leg of a Boston Quebec cruise about 12 years ago.
  2. I prefer hulled balcony cabins. If you hit foul weather you will be glad you have one.
  3. D.W. and I sailed May 3 - May 10 this year. Parking was $175. Bermuda weather was perfect with slightly cool water. Try to find a hotel in the Woburn / Burlington area for cheaper rates 2026 cruise will be switching to Sunday sailing so traffic should be light.
  4. D.W. and I also have sailed N.C.L. Exclusively. Till now. We are now looking at H.A.L. for a 21 carribean cruise out of Boston Oct. 19th. 🤫
  5. The sideways type insides on deck 8 are convenient if you can get one.
  6. Gem is a fine choice. After 3 b2b cruise to Quebec from Boston I will say you will see some rough water. A cabin on a lower deck center/aft will give you a much better ride.
  7. We will be following closely. We just booked Gem for May 3rd.
  8. For us a last minute deal from our NCL PCC - it was buy an inside gty and get a midship balcony cabin for $199 pp on a 7 night Canada cruise. The best and least expensive cruise of the 30 we have done.
  9. We move up to a deck 8 hulled balcony on NCL Pearl for $ 155 p.p.
  10. We had a good time with good food @ Dark Horse beach.
  11. Aruba = Arashi beach and the California light house were fun. Just take the #10 bus to the end of the line turnaround point.
  12. If you paid your dsc they put the cash in their pocket. If the dsc has been removed the cash is to be pooled.
  13. Had a deck 8 inside. Got a deck 8 hulled balcony with my $155 bid / $125 min. Sailed Nov 4 th. On Pearl.
  14. Dream -2 Spirit - 4 Sun - 1 Dawn - 20 Gem -2 Pearl -1
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk3dxDEVtJY gotta love the NCL crews.:D
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