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Everything posted by leyla

  1. Thank you so much. Hope you see you there at roll call.
  2. I am 44 days out on the Getaway TA. I placed a bid for upgrade last night and now wish to cancel the bid, can anyone tell me where I can find that option....is it on my account? I tried with my NCL agent and he said he does not have access to the advantage program. Thanks for any help I can get.
  3. I placed a bid last night for an upgrade with NCL; now, after the fact, I realized that we could get a bad location upgrade. My husband has mobility issues and could end up far away from elevators. I would like to cancel that bid upgrade. Is this possible and if so how do I go about it. I spoke to my agent and he said he doesn't have access to the advantage program. He also said to try to do it manually, but I don't see an area to do that. Can someone please direct me in the right direction. Thank you.
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