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    San Ramon,CA
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  1. Our cruise on Constellation last March had very few choices on TV and no pay per view movies. Seems like they could update the choices. It would be nice to access the movies they play outside as weather doesn’t always cooperate.
  2. Would I be able to contact Celebrity and ask if this company has Sky Lounge reserved on what cruise dates. If I knew before final payment I would probably cancel. Sky Lounge in one of our reasons of booking Celebrity ships.
  3. Has anyone had this cabin and are there any negatives to it?
  4. Which would be better deck 5,6 or 7 and should I book starboard or port for 14 day Alaska cruise from Vancouver round trip.
  5. Which would be better deck 5,6 or 7 and should I book starboard or port for 14 day Alaska cruise from Vancouver round trip.
  6. We arrived in Ravenna at the conclusion of our cruise. We took bus/shuttle arranged by Celebrity for 3 hour ride to Venice to stay a few days. They also provide service to Venice airport. I can’t remember exact pricing but I think it was around $60 per person. I really miss sailing into Venice but I understand the reasons. if I were you I would fly into Venice for a few days and then arrange shuttle thru Celebrity. I believe pick up would at airport.
  7. Looking to bring some magnetic hooks for cabin. There are so many different weights, what should I be looking at for weight? Will be using for jackets, backpacks etc.
  8. We just booked Pan Pacific with a refundable rate, I only book hotels with refundable rate because you just never know what might happen. In this case cruise is September 2025, too far out to be locked in.
  9. We only have a few drinks for an entire cruise so we too can’t justify the package. I wish they included a package that includes just Wi-Fi and tips.
  10. I know it’s a small issue but it as a nice touch. Even Hampton Inn and Hyatt Place provide those items. The cruise lines in general just keep charging more and providing less, but week booking cruises. I just make sure to bring those items minus ice bucket.
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