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Everything posted by bcd2010

  1. HAL (or perhaps the individual ships) would do well to address this issue - an aging population (and HAL draws them), a wider acceptance of people with disabilities getting "out there", a limited number of accessible cabins - all create an increasing issue. Blocking the hallways, even temporarily, with scooters, wheel chairs, etc., (and food trays and strollers, too), create a safety issue, not only for able bodied people but for others needing to move down the hallways using mobility devices (including walkers, rollaters, canes and crutches). On my last cruise there was a disabled vets group, and many scooters and wheel chairs - some were parked near the elevators but my understanding is that that's not allowed or safe. I hope it doesn't take a lawsuit (injury or even death from a fall) to get their attention (I'm sure they've received comments/complaints about obstructed hallways).
  2. Thank you. Our cruise is for one week. Will check the website.
  3. Thank you for getting back to me. We've been paying for this since it first came out. I don't know how, but we have a full bag almost daily 😯. BTW we'll be on this ship/itinerary Oct 5 - it's great reading your posts in preparation!
  4. Is that $35 per single bag? Do you know what "unlimited laundry" costs? (I know this question is asked a lot but I can't figure out how to ask for HAL only - I keep getting replies for all lines - apologies and many thank yous).
  5. Thank you all for such good info.
  6. I didn't know there were such things. I found some on Amazon - 6" x 9" so I'd have to use 3-4 at once - that's doable. I'll check them out. Thank you for helping
  7. I need to ice my back daily. I use 2 large (10" x 14") sealed flat packs (filled with some kind of substance). I know in-cabin coolers don't have freezers, and am trying to figure out how to freeze them between uses. Has anyone had to deal with anything like this? I've read here about people needing to refrigerate medications - suggestions include the cooler or the medical center. I'm wondering if the medical center can freeze my packs. The cabin stewards usually come through (are helpful) on special requests, so I will ask them, too. I'd feel better knowing in advance if there's a way - each ice pack weighs 5 pounds and if there's no hope, I don't want to add that weight to my luggage. (I cannot use packs with ice cubes as they hurt my back when I lay on them.)
  8. I'm getting ready to buy some of these cards. On the AARP website they are priced at $460 for a $500 card. I thought they were $450 - does anyone know if the price has changed or if it has a history of fluctuating?
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