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Posts posted by ZN1300

  1. 8 hours ago, HamOp said:

    People smoke for several reasons.  Some started when they were younger and it was cool and socially acceptable.  Some find it relaxing.  No doubt many smokers would like to quit, but the addiction of nicotine is too strong.

    I'm guessing that the "nasty" smoke you speak of, was not nasty when you were a smoker.

    People smoke because they are addicted. I know it's hard to quit. I did it about 25 years ago. If you want to you can do it. When you do, you'll see how much of a filthy habit it was. If you keep smoking, you will be "relaxing" in a grave many years too soon. I posted a picture of myself after the surgery I had to go through because of smoking, but it was taken down. I guess no one wants to see reality. I didn't even post a picture of my scars.

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  2. I've been on a few ships with a smoking area on the rear, outdoor Lido deck. Often when the doors open between the Lido restaurant and the smoking area, the smoke does waft in. It's really unpleasant.

    On one NCL ship there was a person smoking a cigar on his veranda, just one deck up and one cabin forward from us. I reported it to the customer service desk and nothing happened. The next time that person was smoking on the veranda I call customer service and said, "either you can go to this persons room and tell them not to smoke or I can do it, which would you prefer?". I never smelled smoke for the rest of the cruise.

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  3. On the hoho to Monte.

    The house had a fire. Don't know if it was from a few years ago when the island had a large fire.

    The hoho stop by the botanical gardens.

    A family about to head down the mountain in one of the sleds. I assume the man is checking to see if his medical insurance covers insanity. If you don't know about the Madeira sled ride then google it and look at the youtube videos.





  4. My lungs are not in a condition that allows me to take a leisurely stroll on a mountain top during the best of conditions (sunny, dry). Had it been made known an elevator was available I may have attempted the tour of the castle. But it was not. Apparently it was after the tour group was in the castle.  I should have stayed in Sintra eating pastries and drinking coffee.


    The castle - Pena horse - entrance -  gargoyle - balcony ... More to come, I have to go now.






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