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Everything posted by shipfriend_max

  1. And how about mariners lunch in MDR, is this still available?
  2. Anyone having any updates regarding JEWEL OF THE SEAS for summer 2025?
  3. I assume to sell some of the common drinks and not serving popcorns or other snacks for free?
  4. Okay thanks! But I assume they did not come around with snacks like popcorn but only common drinks to purchase?
  5. Thanks for the interesting report @Norwaylady when movies are shown every evening on the Rooftop garden, are there snacks like popcorn served for free, Princess for example does so.
  6. In the deployment list there’s also been a “remaining deployment”, RCI could easily release the Amsterdam cruises with Jewel with this deployment or they announce it tomorrow as well. The competitors also offer cruises like that so I can hardly imagine RCI cancelling that or not providing it again in 2025.’’
  7. Could well be! Took a look at the Key West cruise schedule and Grandeur is listed there, and end of August 2025 I found one call of Jewel otS and the day after Grandeur otS. That could very well be that the Jewel otS call is the old one taken over by Grandeur, but just one day later. Apart from that I did not find any call of Jewel otS anymore but Grandeur.
  8. Edit: found the port schedule of Ponta Delgada, it is listed there the 27th of April additionally to Brilliance otS the 21st of April 2025. So that MIGHT be an indication that Jewel comes to Amsterdam. Fingers crossed.
  9. Any link to the Ponta Delgada port schedule? That would be helpful!!
  10. Okay obviously EITHER Reflection or Silhouette are doing the short Caribbean runs and one of those two ships sailing Canada/New England and Bermuda. I'd assume it's Silhouette out of Cape Liberty in 2025 but who knows. In Grand Cayman Silhouette is listed from mid of November 2025 again.
  11. Yes sadly, I would have loved having her in Amsterdam and coming to the Baltic Sea. But I hope for Jewel of the Seas sailing out of Amsterdam or maybe even Grandeur otS. Better than nothing...
  12. For summer 2025, not 2026. This should be published end of 2024. The new deployment covers the summer and winter season 2025 up to spring 2026, as every year. Please read carefully.
  13. Indeed you forgot Canada/New England and Bermuda. Imho there’s no indicator for short Caribbean, as Celebrity never did it during summer, but cruise lines like Carnival, NCL, RCI do. I see Reflection doing 7 night Caribbean during summer and SILHOUETTE doing Bermuda and Canada/New England, taking over the 2024 deployment of Eclipse which however will be based in Amsterdam instead of Silhouette 2024. Furthermore, Asia is just scheduled for fall 2025-spring 2026. I see Millennium doing Alaska as well.
  14. That’s what I also hope. I mean such Northern Europe cruises with North Cape, around UK and Iceland seem to work well for other lines like Princess, HAL, Celebrity, NCL, even Carnival, so I’m wondering that RCI should have trouble selling those cruises? I mean now that the Amsterdam program in 2024 will even be extended, due to recent happenings in Israel… okay and originally the program was scheduled until august 2024 for Northern Europe.
  15. Have a look at the cruise call schedule of Limassol, from June 2025, Brilliance is listed there regularly: https://limassolcruise.com/wp-content/uploads/limassolcruise/2023/10/Cruise-Schedule_2023_2024_2025.pdf those calls are newer than the Amsterdam calls which existed for a while already.
  16. Yes but that's from the last update in JULY 2025, obviously @SummmerInKefaloniahas the most recent programs which feature Brilliance from Piraeus, see his latest post #897 .
  17. That's a day at sea I think? Than you. And during port days? Did they also have the afternoon "tea time" during port days?
  18. @cruisestitch any information on the opening hours of the restaurants? Ocean view, Spa Café? Saw you posted the daily programs but not the restaurant opening hours. Those would be helpful
  19. go for Princess or Holland America, they have several cruises going there.
  20. She is booked in Limassol throughout summer 2025 now. so that’s why I was asking if someone knows CONCRETELY if she’s doing both Amsterdam and Haifa or just one port? Maybe Limassol?
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