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Everything posted by clo

  1. Curious. Does all your intl travel involve a cruise at least?
  2. Oh, goody-gumdrops! And thanks 🙂
  3. I've read that some banks require that they be deposited into your account.
  4. Because of you and a number of your posts elsewhere I just started looking here. Hopefully the caviar is still generously available?
  5. Absolutely. And more comfortable than the kind of chairs on cabin balconies. Ah well.
  6. Oh, I know. But we can dream, can't we?
  7. And I never do. That's what makes life interesting, doesn't it?
  8. When we were stlil working we lived below our means. And now we still do. Get to do more that way.
  9. I'm beginning to figure out that some people who cruise are perhaps not terribly adventuresome and also like to be ordered around. That sentence is pretty darn dictatorial IMneverHO.
  10. I'm with Jon. Cruising is nice but there are other things just as nice or even nicer. A villa in France or Italy with friends, cooking the local food, drinking the local wines. Ah yes.
  11. I totally agree with you. Sites like this give people an opportunity to complain without any consequences. In other situations I've been known to go to the top pretty darn quickly. If someone cares a lot about this decision I'd suggest they speak up. And do so strongly. We've only traveled with O a couple of times and LOVED it. But I'll be looking around at others now.
  12. You were the teacher and they were the students. Different dynamic. When we've broken away from a group we always informed the tour leader and we knew when to be back if necessary. I remember in Hue, Vietnam, the group was going on some kind of day tour. We were going to a restaurant that Tony Bourdain said had "the best soup in the world." We were there at 8AM when she started serving and when it was gone that was it for the day. Our day in no way interfered with the group.
  13. So was that an attempt at humor?
  14. You used the word yourself and the overall tone was that. Sorry. Maybe ask your wife after a couple of glasses of wine and she'll be honest 🙂
  15. Good grief! Spare me from the likes of that kind of tour!!!! We've done quite a few escorted land tours over the last ten years and frequently break away from the group. Sheesh.
  16. OT so I'll keep this short. Maybe the 'gang' was sick of the rules and just wanted to do their own thing. Couldn't the 'rule have been "have a safe flight home and enjoy today"? If I were cruising with others we'd do our own thing and hopefully meet for dinner. I'm assuming we're not talking about young kids or faltering seniors 🙂
  17. I couldn't agree more.
  18. Wow! Why????? I could LIVE in Barcelona! I'm sorry it was just "OK" for you.
  19. Have you ever had it on potato chips??? We actually have a caviar store here in Seattle and they also like it that way. Tim's Original is their suggestions, but definitely a salted chip. I'd been missing you so glad I found you here 🙂
  20. Do you or would you cruise on other lines? Do you do land trips? Will you do more? TIA
  21. We were booked on a cruise with two days in St. Petersburg that got canceled due to the war in Ukraine. Like you at our age that might not happen ever. We did get to do Israel and even Turkey and they were outstanding. So yes.
  22. I've liked the entire concept of the NoNos.
  23. Nor I. And onshore also. If it's a call we MUST take then we step outside or somewhere private to take the call. I thought that was pretty much the MO these days.
  24. Curious why you're looking specifically at Oceania.
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