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Everything posted by clo

  1. @ORV I've keep forgetting to compliment you on the title of this post. (Is this off-topic?!?!)
  2. Wow! We've already done an "expedition" cruise to Antarctica so probably wouldn't return but, boy, does this look and sound incredible.
  3. I don't reply to that type of post. I consider it useless. Voting? No.
  4. Don't laugh. I carry my bottle all the time, at home, in the car and out and about. It's not unusual for me to carry it on my little finger 🙂 I have a very dry mouth.
  5. We've done that for years and years. Has its own little zippered compartment.
  6. Since I was away for several years....LOL.
  7. Sorry, I don't see that. No problem.
  8. clo


    Did they only have slices not whole pizzas? That would account for the 'no sides.' Unhealthy? I can eat anything occasionally and it not count as unhealthy (unless I have some specific health issues). And see that photo above? I made that. The dough is 8oz, about a tablespoon of olive oil and tomato sauce, 4oz of pork, mozzarella and the rest are sliced vegetables. That's for the whole pizza.
  9. Midnight in which time zone?
  10. clo


    And if done correctly it sure as heck is! Oven temps up to 1000 makes a huge difference and not everyone has that, even on shore.
  11. That's all I MIGHT ever need. I don't travel with clothes that need ironing. Racking my brain trying to think of something. Nope.
  12. clo


    I just looked at their sample menu and it looks quite good and varied. Most meats, enough fish, vegetables, desserts. I would be unlikely to order the lobster roll as I've had the 'real deal' and can't imagine anything else. I think *I* make THE best crab cakes 🙂 so probably wouldn't order those either. What were the dishes you'd be disinclined to order. Oh, and if you've not eaten something before are you disinclined to try the new stuff? Just curious.
  13. ? They said what they had to say and, unlike some of us, felt no need to whip a dead horse.
  14. clo


    Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more a·hem /əˈhm/ exclamation used to represent the noise made when clearing the throat, typically to attract attention or express disapproval or embarrassment. "ahem, excuse me"
  15. clo


    There y'all go again, generalizing. I also have to wonder where you people go.
  16. clo


    Not this one. I try not to generalize.
  17. Oh I don't really disagree with you. But this particular one is so egregious and so ???? it seems pretty straightforward how the credit card company would rule. And, like you, I can get pretty darn involved, going to the top pretty quickly 🙂
  18. There are only a few places we're interested in for a cruise and other land-based DIYs that further decrease cruise possibilities. But those cruise lines might hold some interest so I'll definitely be taking a look. PS: We have no interest in Med, Carib, Alaska, TA and probably some others that aren't leaping into my mind. In July we're doing B2B of Celtic and Baltic areas beginning in Amsterdam and ending in Stockholm.
  19. I believe that credit card disputes will give the money back to the passenger.
  20. Did I miss any judgmental comments. And having traveled over quite a bit of South America, a little cruise but mostly DIY, I don't even think of SA and Antarctica as anywhere near the same. I remember chuckling when we went to the Falklands from Antarctica and seeing greenery. 🙂
  21. After you or someone shared the cost breakdown between O and SB I'll be taking a look also. I can't imaging our taking more than one or two cruises so that helps amortize.
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