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Posts posted by Darstime

  1. On my last cruise we had 3 of us in different cabins, mine broke going over the ramp. They got me a better one. At times we had to put them in the hallway. We all non accessible,they  must move them because there was always a new key. I think i ended up with 3.  I never got insurance and did not pay for anything 

    On a cruise in September my friend decided she would like a power chair and they had 4 on hand. Sometimes someone that rented the power chair do not show up so there are some on board. 
    I have been on 28 cruises and have used the power chair for 22 of them


  2. So our table mates always came late at least 20min. So we started ordering our meals when we sat down than we heard about her 500 cows I feel like she said something about her cows ever 5 min. Than the friend “taught the waiter  to make tea his way” he made a big deal of it. When it came time to order dessert she would look at me and say “I don’t think we need dessert do we”. So yes I did order one. As a whole we have had great dinner mates but the couple that were bad were bad. On guy kept letting us know he did not need *****  another had nothing good to say about cruising the next day they missed the ship. We watched them run. 

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  3. As I found out in our last cruise decide before you leave you are going to have a great time. To many grumbled the whole cruise and what a waste it was. We had a great time even though there was 6 different changes in the year leading up to the cruise. It’s a cruise and no laundry or making dinner. Have fun

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