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Everything posted by honumaui

  1. I booked a B1 guarantee and got a B1. I was satisfied with the location but was worried about the booking as we did not get a cabin assigned to us until a week before. In the future I would prefer to know my cabin # when I book. I doubt there is much chance of upgrades. But you could be the lucky one.
  2. The black Friday sale with simply more totaled a substantial savings from a cruise I booked on board almost a year ago. My travel agent had Oceania adjust the cost, add the $800 OBC for tours and also added more OB credits and pre paid gratuities through their agency promotion. I am a satisfied cruiser.
  3. I have worn my "cute" flip flops ( with bows) and slacks with a cute top and had no problem in the Main DR & specialty restaurant. My hubby refuses to wear a jacket but does wear long pants and a collared shirt (usually a Hawaiian shirt) in the evenings. Only saw a few jackets or "cocktail dresses " on our last three Oceania cruises. Mostly country club casual attire.
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